To Do Tuesday #22

This week was a good week. Still feeling a little anxious about finishing my Name of Rose quilt and February table runner. It doesn’t help that today Simba unthreaded my Gammill. I think in October, I am going to pick a week that the only thing I do is long arming. My fall quilt is almost ready and I have three others that definitely ready!

I am joining Linda over at Texas Quilt Gal for the To Do Tuesday Link Up. Thanks Linda!

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To Do Tuesday #21

I was surprised how much I actually got done this week. I didn’t feel any more focused than usual, but I am definitely happy with my progress!

Once again I will be linking up with Linda from Texas Quilt Gal. Come join us.

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To Do Tuesday #20

Wow! 20 weeks already. I want to thank Linda over at Texas Quilt Lady for hosting this awesome accountability. It is open for anyone who wants to participate. Just click on the link below for more information.
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To Do Tuesday #19

The summer is wrapping up so quickly. Here in California, the kids are back in school already with Labor Day Weekend this coming weekend. For my household, that means we will be off to a hockey tournament. At least our first one is close – So Cal.

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To Do Tuesday #18

Welcome to another To Do Tuesday. It’s been a couple of weeks for me this time because I took a little road trip to Washington and Oregon. Check out my last Floss Friday to see some pictures from that trip.

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To Do Tuesday #13

Wow! Where did the week go! I had a lot of distractions this week so only a few things done even with my all day sewing on Friday. I don’t know about you, but any progress makes me happy.

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To Do Tuesday #12

Happy Tuesday everyone! Hope you have had a great week. Here is San Jose it has been nippy for May. I had a nice Mother’s Day with my son Steven. He took me to dinner and a movie.

Happy mail arrived today – my Alison Glass fabric! Whoohoo!

Alison Glass fabric
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To Do Tuesday #11

This week has flown by. I feel like I got a ton done. My list doesn’t seem to reflect my feelings. LOL! Probably because I have been working on some of my larger WIPs. I’m definitely on a feel good cloud!

On top of all of that, I decided to participate in an unofficial WIP challenge with one of my Instagram quilty friends @flyinggoosestudio (Jocelyn). She is challenging herself (and anyone who wants to jump in) to spend the next 50 days (May 1 – June 20th) working only on WIPs. No new starts.

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QUILT DIARY: June 2021

This week’s blog is very challenging. WordPress had an update and I am struggling with the changes. I even consider myself computer savy (LOL), but I have been working on this for an hour…. I usually like to use my Ipad to write the blog because it is so much easier to insert photos but I am back to my laptop in an effort to get this blog written and hope WordPress fixes the apple app soon. Hopefully you will still enjoy the blog.

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