Wow! This will be my last post of 2024. It has been an eventful year with lots of projects and even some finishes. Check out my 2024 Finish page here. While I have not achieved everything I set my eyes on, I am pleased with how much really got done. This weekly post helps keep me on track and accountable to myself by putting it out there. So let’s take a look at what I worked on this week.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #126”Category: Travel
To Do Tuesday #115
Hello Fall! Love this time of the year! While we do get the trees turning colors, it is just not as much as when I use to live back East. Love all those yellows, golds, oranges, and reds. So fun! The neighborhood is slowly being fully decorated for Halloween. 👻 My neighbors can be so inventive. I have really been enjoying my daily walks.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #115”Floss Friday #108
How fast this week went. I had a great time in the Redding area. I found a quilt shop and visited Lassen Volcanic National Park. I even got in a 3 mile hike while I was at Lassen.
Continue reading “Floss Friday #108”To Do Tuesday #104
Hello Everyone! I am back from the quilt retreat. Whew! What fun we had at beautiful Lake Tahoe, Nevada. There was 26 of us from all over the United States. The quilter who traveled the fartherest was from Wisconsin. Lots of quilting and games was had every day along with lots of food and wine.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #104”Floss Friday #98
Hello My Stitchy Friends from Vancouver, Washington. I stopped for the night on my way to Seattle, Washington Tuesday night. I stayed along the Columbia River. It was a beautiful night along the waterfront.

To Do Tuesday #92
Can you say road trip?! I got back last night from a road trip to Paso Robles, California. Such a fun area. I enjoyed every moment.

It was super fun to hang with old colleagues as we celebrated the life of Spencer Keiser another friend and colleague.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #92”To Do Tuesday #62
Hello my Friends! Hope this Tuesday finds you well. We have slipped into fall one of my favorite times of the year. Indian summer is so much better than almost any time of the year for me. The sun is shining. It is usually high 70’s here in San Jose. Days are still long enough. Just love this time of year!
I got back from Denver Sunday. The weather was fair while we were there but Thursday our flight was delayed due to thunderstorms. Travel is still such a mess post-covid. I was lucky enough to still get my rental car even after my flight was delayed. Some people had to wait for two or three hours for a vehicle. I felt lucky we got to the hotel by 2am. We had to be at the rink by 7am and it was a 30 minute drive. We survived. LOL! Teenagers are so reslilent.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #62”Floss Friday #53
Happy Friday to everyone! Hope you are enjoying your day. Today I am 60 and thinking about all the things I still want to do. The bucket list is pretty long so let’s take a look at my stitchy projects.
Continue reading “Floss Friday #53”To Do Tuesday #56
Can you believe it is August already?! The summer is almost over already. The kids go back to school next week. I swear it gets earlier and earlier every year. Doesn’t seem to be much of a summer for them anymore. Very sad if you ask me.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #56”TRAVEL DIARY: Jupiter, Florida

It has been six long months since I have had an opportunity to travel. I just needed this so bad for my mental health. It was even more important with the wildfires here in California and Oregon. The last 6 weeks with social unrest, covid, unusually high temperatures, and unhealthy air quality, this trip was a welcome change. This trip was business and pleasure.
Continue reading “TRAVEL DIARY: Jupiter, Florida”