Floss Friday #75

I got back last night from Gardnerville, NV. Never thought I would be the one thinking that Nevada was beautiful. The valley is just gorgeous surronded by mountains. I had blue skies coming and going. Yesterday had a lot of snow from the day before, but still a gorgeous day. Let’s jump into this week’s progress.

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Floss Friday #74

Happy Friday everyone! Hope your week has been great. Just checking in to share this weeks stitchy projects. Let’s get started.

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Floss Friday #71

Just a few days left in 2023. Can you believe it?! The year has flown by and I am wondering how that happened. Yesterday was a planning day with my sister Dorothy. Ya’ll all know how much I love to plan!

This week has been with my grandson’s hockey tournament. It was nice it was local. They play in the Championship game tomorrow..🤞

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Floss Friday #70

Hello from Whistler, British Columbia! We got here a few days ago. The kids have gone skiing even though it is raining here at the base. The temperature is hovering around freezing which hopefully translates to great snow up top. We had homemade pasta with veggies yesterday for dinner.

The kids didn’t ski much yesterday but ended up working on a 1000 piece puzzle which they finished!

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Floss Friday #68

Hello Everyone! I have had a great week. How about you? We are already one week into December with Christmas just 17 days away! Are you ready?

Starts & Finishes

While I shared my FFO on Tuesday with all my quilty stuff (being a pillow and all), I decided to share it again here as one of my few FFO’s this year.

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Floss Friday #67

I had myself a mini marathon this past holiday weekend to work on all the projects I had not worked on. I only meant to work on those for the whole weekend, but couldn’t resist working on my fall projects. I had already put away Fall Harvest (see last week’s blog here to look at) and Autumn Beauties which somehow I haven’t worked on since October.

The good news is that they are the only two WIPs for fall being put on hold and next year I get to start new ones!

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Floss Friday #66

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I am very grateful to have been able to spend the day with my sister Dorothy and her family. I dropped Shaun off at hockey camp. His mom helped the other parents prepare breakfast for the team and their families. It was a bonding moment for them. Then off to the family dinner at his Aunt Diane’s where his dad joined them. He said they had a great time. So happy for them.

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Floss Friday #63

Happy Friday! Hope you had a great week. Mine has been pretty productive overall. My 24 Hours of Cross Stitch was great. I ended up stitching more than 24 hours. Friday was my new start day. Saturday was a Fall/Halloween stitch day which left Sunday as my everything else day. Let’s take a look.

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Floss Friday #62

Hi Everyone! This weekend is 24 Hours of Cross Stitching marathon hosted by Instagram’s @quirksandstitches. She also has an etsy shop with digital cross stitch planners and notebooks with her 2024 version to be released soon. You can follow this weekend with #24hoursofcrossstitch or #24hocs (my personal favorite since it is nice and short!). Be sure to post your projects starting October 20th and ending on October 22nd. You don’t need to do 24 hours straight but you can. Let’s go stitchers!

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Floss Friday #61

Happy Friday! It is a gorgeous Fall day here in San Jose. It is 90F and sunny. I had hoped to go for a hike today, but I am going to have to pass as it is way to hot for that. Instead I will end up going for a night walk when it cools off later. I am looking forward to it.

WIPGO Update

Let’s take a look how September went and what is on my plate for October.

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