Floss Friday #92

Wishing everyone a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend. Enjoy the long weekend!

It’s been a productive week being home. Worked on non creative stuff this week that need to happen which is always good. Now on to the fun stuff.

Starts & Finishes

Just one new finish this week

FINISH: April Monthly Markings ☔️ by Heart in Hand
April Monthly Markings Finish 5/17/2024

Once I started stitching the inside of this sweet little umbrella it was quick. I am enjoying these small little stitches. The weeks dye works floss really adds to these small stitches.

WIP Updates

I wasn’t as successful this week with my dedicated hour to one project. Instead of 5 or 6 hours each night to stitch, I was down to just a couple hours so a few times I didn’t do it, but I kept the spirit alive. Let’s check out the wips.

July Trucking Along by Stitching with the Housewives

This was my intended project for each day for an hour. Didn’t really happen but these two times. Still…. I can’t complain about the overall progress. Now I am wondering if I really will be able to finish this month. I may switch my focus to a different project that is actually closer to being done and make this the goal for a June finish.

December Snapshot by Pine Mountain Designs & Sandra Workman

Got my one night in on this one. I am actually almost done with one of the snapshots. For now, I will just keep plugging away once a month.

WIPGO Project: Winter Camper by Bobbie G Designs

I am only spending an hour each time I work on this WIPGO project for several reasons. One – I don’t love this project anymore. Two – It is my third WIPGO project this month. Three – It is easier for me to stay on target for just one hour. Worked on this a couple of times this week. I have two more evenings to work on this to fill my five times this month for this project.

Fruit of Plenty 2021 SAL by Modern Folk Embroidery

When I was reveiwing my goals for this month on this project, I realized that I wanted to spend two nights on this. So here we are with the results of my second night on this project. I am excited to have finished the filling for the house motif. Next up will be actually stitching the house. Exciting right. I love this project!

Autumn Baskets (chart 3) by Hands on Design
Autumn Basket Chart 3 WIP 5/20/2024

I am very pleased with this project. It has been easy to stitch this project as well as fun. I love stitching these quilt like blocks that will eventually be cute little pillows. Next will be stitching all the bear claw blocks emanating from the center. Fun!

2024 SJ Temperature Library by Kristi’s Corner
Closeup WIP: SJ Temperature Library Thru 5/18/2024

Look at all those glorious colored books for this month of May. I have finished through the 18th already. I will finish six more books this coming week and will finish up in June. Just love this design.

Mr August (Calendar Gnome) by Charlie’s Needle

When I worked on this one this week, I realized I am almost done. After this week all that is left is finishing the roof of the flower cart, a few bees, some backstitching, and the word August. I am actually working up some excitement for this. I am thinking maybe I will focus on finishing this from now until the end of the month. The bees look great but they are actually hard to stitch out in the middle of nothing. But they look fantastic.

The Clown (Snowman Collector Series #2) by Cottage Garden Samplings

I finished the lion this week as well as fill in more of his snow body and the border. I started really looking at this chart and could not believe how close I am to finishing this as well. Way closer than Truckin Along or Let’s Talk Summer which I assumed weeks ago were the closest to being done. Once I finish the Gnome, this will be my next focus. I am so enjoying this series!

It’s exciting starting to look ahead at what is next – The Shepherd. His coat will be challenging just like the Needleworkers cloak.

Blooming Tiny Town by Heart in Hand

I worked on this little brown house last night. I always feel like I should get more done than I actually do. There is just a tiny bit more to do to the house then there are red flowers on both sides of the house. I am looking forward to stitching them.

Upcoming Plans & Thoughts

WIP: SJ Temperature Library Thru 5/18/2024

With May wrapping up in just another 8 days, I have a few things that I hope to start – May Year of Celebration and Let’s Talk Summer pillow – and to finish – May Year of Celebration, Mr. August, and The Clown. I have to finish my WIPGO goals for both Let’s Talk Summer and Winter Camper. I have two more active WIPs to work on this month ~ Sail Away and January Month 2 Month. I also have the May Shelf to put 6 more books on (19th – 24th).

This week I need to take a look at the new starts for June to make sure I have all the floss and fabric I need for those starts. I already took a look at one of those so it is ready to go June 1st.

Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California

2 thoughts on “Floss Friday #92”

  1. I got quite the start when I read “June 1st” – how did May fly by so quickly? Your temperature library remains one of my favorites. I just checked out the Etsy shop, thinking about popping that one in my cart! I had to laugh at “kept the spirit alive” when you didn’t get to stitch as much as you liked. I think you do a fantastic job of stitching regularly.

    1. There are so many cool temperature cross stitch patterns. They are way more exciting than the ones for quilts. I have a nebula pattern, butterflies, library, cats – just a few. They are so fun and easy to

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