Floss Friday #59

Happy Friday! It’s been two weeks since I last shared my cross stitch. I have continued working on my Final Finish for the Summer Baskets. If you want to see where I am at in the process, check it out in To Do Tuesday #62.

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Floss Friday #56

Welcome to another edition of Floss Friday. Hard to believe it is already the last Friday of August and summer is coming to a close. Crazy to say the least. This is the first summer since 2020 that I didn’t travel. With all the travel with hockey, it was kind of nice to be home for an extended period with some day trips here and there.

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Floss Friday #52

Can you believe July is almost over? Just a few more weeks and the kids are bacck in school. How crazy is that? This week has been pretty normal summer day here in San Jose, California. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.

Starts & Finishes

I am pleased to have finished my last two projects that I planned to finish this July.

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Floss Friday #46

Welcome to another Friday. For June the weather is a bit cool here in San Jose, California but I will take it. Typically we get a heat wave sometime close to the Fourth of July. This week my AC unit stopped working and with the contractors at my house still working on the shower, I haven’t called a repair HVAC guy. If it is not one thing, it is another when you own a home. LOL!

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Floss Friday #44

It has been a pretty productive week. I have spent some time organizing all of my kitted projects that still need to be started. It turns out I have a lot of those. LOL! I finally made a list just so I know. Over the past three years I have been a part of quite a few stitch clubs which came completely kitted. It feels good to KNOW what those are.

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Floss Friday #42

Just a quick update on what I have been working on this week. I was able to finish all my planned starts for May and even got one planned finish done. Let’s take a look.

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Floss Friday #41

How quickly the week has gone by. I feel like I ended April with a bang. I did get my 24 hours of cross stitching in and organized my upcoming month of May. It so nice to be home for more than a couple of days!

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Floss Friday #37

Happy St Patrick’s Day! Hope this finds you with plenty of green beer and irish stew.

Just recovering from feeling not quite sick, but not quite myself. Just Blah! Today was my first day feeling even semi-normal. It must have been the chicken noodle soup and herbal tea that did. Well… Maybe the extra sleep too.

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Floss Friday #35

Hello Everyone! Our trip to Arizona was very good. Shaun and his hockey team did well. We went there to play against some good teams in preparation for upcoming California State Championship. The weather was pretty much the same as California bouncing around from freezing to pleasant every day we were there. They got to play a lot of different teams from Canada, Virginia, and Arizona. Very good competition!

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Floss Friday #13

Welcome to another Friday update on all things cross stitch in my life. Last time I also threw in some vacation photos. I hope you all enjoyed them. Retirement for me was not a planned event so the transition has been a tough one for this past three years. Although, I was not 100% retired until last October. I am not sure if Covid helped or hindered my transition but it surely screwed with my health. On the other hand, it was when I stepped back in the world of cross stitch after 35 years. Today’s world is very different from the cross stitch I knew in college.

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