To Do Tuesday #119

Hi Everyone! Welcome back to Quilty Update. Happy to have got to spend some time in the sewing studio this week. While I was super optomistic in my expectations, I am happy with the results.

Just a reminder that I will be linking up with To Do Tuesday hosted by Carol at Quilt Schmilt. Link below. Come take a look or even better, join us.

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Floss Friday #116

Happy Friday everyone! Another gorgeous Fall day here. Woke up early as I still adjust to the time change. Well let’s take a look at all my cross stitch projects that I workedx ont his week.

Starts & Finishes

I got everything I planned plus a little more this week with starting 3 projects and finishing 2!

START: WIPGO Project: Winter Basket #1 by Hands on Design
Continue reading “Floss Friday #116”

To Do Tuesday #118

Election Day! Make sure you vote today. It’s a Presidential Election year! Can’t believe we are in November already. Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. Crazy.

I will be linking up with Carol over at QuiltSchmilt again this week for the To Do Tuesday linkup where we share what we are working on and this week’s to do list.

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Floss Friday #115

October is over! So hard to believe that 2024 is coming to an end. It’s been a good year for me. Hope it has been good for you too. I have a few ideas of things I will be working on in 2025 but haven’t really nailed it down. Check the end for my thoughts on 2025. Let’s take a look at this past week.

October WIPGO Results

WIPGO – October 2024: Projects 8 & 17

This has been an exciting month since I finished both WIPGO Projects. Let’s take a look. First up:

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To Do Tuesday #117

Can you believe it is the last week of October and Halloween is on Thursday? The holiday season will be upon us after that! Crazy 🤪

To Do Tuesday

I am be joining Carol who is hosting the To Do Tuesday Linkup. Come join us!

Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #117”

Floss Friday #114

Last Friday of October already. Honestly this week has felt like the last week of October but I still have 7 more days of October! How exciting. The November WIPGO projects are out and we will take a peek. By default, that means we know the December projects as well. I have chosen not to go there. I am excited about winding down October and starting on November. Let’s get started!

November WIPGO Projects

WIPGO November 2024 Projects 14 & 16

The goal each month is to work on the project at least five times or have a finish.

Continue reading “Floss Friday #114”

To Do Tuesday #116

How is everyone doing this week? Can you believe we are in the third week of October already. We have a beautiful fall day here in San Jose. They are expecting rain next week which hopefully happens so that maybe the fire season will be over.

To Do Tuesday

I will be linking up with Carol @ QuiltSchmilt for To Do Tuesday. I realized I forgot to put the link in last week. See above if you need it. Come join us.

Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #116”

Floss Friday #113

Welcome back! Not as many projects this week but some nice progress towards my goals.

After having days of overcast and windy, it is nice out today with a high of 77F. Very nice fall weather. Perfect Fall day. Guess that is why I am finding so much joy stitching autumn and halloween this month.

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To Do Tuesday #115

Hello Fall! Love this time of the year! While we do get the trees turning colors, it is just not as much as when I use to live back East. Love all those yellows, golds, oranges, and reds. So fun! The neighborhood is slowly being fully decorated for Halloween. 👻 My neighbors can be so inventive. I have really been enjoying my daily walks.

Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #115”

Floss Friday #112

Welcome to another week of cross stitch. I have to write this post on Thursday because tomorrow is a Quilting Zoom Day and then I will be off to Monterey for the weekend. Things are going great and I am super happy with all my progress. I have things to do so let’s get started.

Starts & Finishes

One finish and one start this week. Is that awesome or what?!

Continue reading “Floss Friday #112”