Floss Friday #71

Just a few days left in 2023. Can you believe it?! The year has flown by and I am wondering how that happened. Yesterday was a planning day with my sister Dorothy. Ya’ll all know how much I love to plan!

This week has been with my grandson’s hockey tournament. It was nice it was local. They play in the Championship game tomorrow..🤞

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Floss Friday #70

Hello from Whistler, British Columbia! We got here a few days ago. The kids have gone skiing even though it is raining here at the base. The temperature is hovering around freezing which hopefully translates to great snow up top. We had homemade pasta with veggies yesterday for dinner.

The kids didn’t ski much yesterday but ended up working on a 1000 piece puzzle which they finished!

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Floss Friday #67

I had myself a mini marathon this past holiday weekend to work on all the projects I had not worked on. I only meant to work on those for the whole weekend, but couldn’t resist working on my fall projects. I had already put away Fall Harvest (see last week’s blog here to look at) and Autumn Beauties which somehow I haven’t worked on since October.

The good news is that they are the only two WIPs for fall being put on hold and next year I get to start new ones!

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Floss Friday #36

Hi Everyone! Welcome back to Floss Friday. This week was a little chaotic with my stitchy plans. I didn’t get as much time as I wanted in February to finish up some stuff. March just jumped out at me. Today is finally a sunny day after days of rain. It will kick in again next week so I intend on enjoying the sun while it is here!

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Floss Fridays #1

It hit me like a ton of bricks this afternoon what to call this weekly blog for my cross stitch projects. While I meant to post last week, it seems that I needed to wait until this week for this creative inspiration. So instead of just one week’s worth of projects you will be getting two weeks this time which will make this post still a bit long. Although I did work on a few projects multiple days.

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