Floss Friday #61

Happy Friday! It is a gorgeous Fall day here in San Jose. It is 90F and sunny. I had hoped to go for a hike today, but I am going to have to pass as it is way to hot for that. Instead I will end up going for a night walk when it cools off later. I am looking forward to it.

WIPGO Update

Let’s take a look how September went and what is on my plate for October.

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Floss Friday #60

Welcome to another weekend! Fall has visited us today with overcast clouds and prediction of rain. I am sure it won’t stay long. I just love fall.

It was a busy week with lots of quilting but I still managed to get some stitching time in as well. Let’s take a look.

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Floss Friday #59

Happy Friday! It’s been two weeks since I last shared my cross stitch. I have continued working on my Final Finish for the Summer Baskets. If you want to see where I am at in the process, check it out in To Do Tuesday #62.

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Floss Friday #55

Welcome to another edition of Floss Friday where I share what I have been cross stitching on during the week. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you can share any thoughts you have!

A little shout-out to Simba who wrote Tuesday’s post. Thanks Bud! I really needed the break.

Continue reading “Floss Friday #55”