To Do Tuesday #135

Welcome to this week’s quilty addition of To Do Tuesday. Only got one good day in this week which is more than I have had for several weeks. Let’s take a look.

I will be linking up with Carol @ QuiltSchmilt for To Do Tuesday

To Do Tuesday
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To Do Tuesday #133

Hello from Vancouver, Washington. Thanks for stopping by and checking out all my quilty projects. Didn’t work on as many things this week but still spent a few minutes each day working on something.

I will be linking up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday linkup. Check it out.

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Floss Friday #130

Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope all you lovebirds have a great day today. My brother-in-law and my grandson both brought me flowers for today as well as helping me with my storage unit. I loved the grand gesture from both of them!

Flowers from Jesse on Valentine’s Day
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Floss Friday #129

Welcome Back Everyone! Weather update for Nor Cal – Raining. February is typically our wettest month of the year. It has been known to rain all 28 days of February. While that won’t be the case this year, we are getting enough rain to cause flooding north of San Francisco. I am not sure why anyone ever moves up there, because it happens every rainy season. I am sure it is gorgeous the rest of the year though. Enough about Nor Cal weather and lets check in on my stitchy projects for this past week.

January WIPGO Results

WIPGO January 2025
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Floss Friday #126

It feels like only yesterday that I was sharing what I have been up to this week on all my Cross Stitch projects. In reality, it has been a week! Whoa! What a busy week it has been. We are having unseasonably warm sunny weather here in Northern California. I am enjoying it while I can.

January Goals

I thought I would recap my monthly cross stitch start and finish goals here. I normally try to keep this number down, but January got out of control. 🐿️🤪

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To Do Tuesday #128

Wow! Sorry about the late post. It is actually Thursday I am working on this while backdating to Tuesday. It has been a crazy busy week with lots of appointments as well a Quilt Zoom Day on Monday.

I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday linky party. Check it out.

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To Do Tuesday #127

Goodbye 2024! Welcome 2025! A new year with overly ambitious plans as usual. We are off to a slow start but I did put together plans for January. I have not really thought about what I would like to accomplish in 2025 other than quilt & bind 12 quilts. I want to turn those quilt tops into finished quilts.

I will be linking up with Carol at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday link up. Thank you Carol for hosting.

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Floss Friday #123

Hope Everyone had an awesome Christmas Holiday (and any other holiday you celebrate at this time of year.)

December 26th was a very rainy day to contrast with today where we have sunshine. The joy of being in California!

I seem to still being have some focus issues this week. I have been reading a whole bunch and being distracted from stitching or quilting. 📚 All is good, I am planning a New Year’s Stitch-A-Thon to work on any WIPS that are on my goals list but might have been slighted during the month of December. 🧑‍🎄

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To Do Tuesday #124

Whoo Hoo! I am finally back home. I love traveling as much as I love being home. For once, I actually slept better on the road then in my own bed. I wonder if that has anything to do with the mattress topper I had delivered to my daughters? 😝

I rolled up at my house Sunday night about 9:30 pm after spending the day driving from Vancouver, Washington to San Jose, California. I did a side trip in Salem, Oregon for a two hour shopping spree and a half hour lunch break when I filled up gas for less than $3/gallon. 🏆

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To Do Tuesday #120

How is everyone this week? Hope you are all having a good November. Fall is finally really here in California. Rumor has it that we will be having significant storms this week. I forgot what they call them, but sounds crazy fun.

As usual, I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt in British Columbia for To Do Tuesday. I heard that they got slammed by winter storms this past week. Hopefully our northern friends are all doing well. See the link below to join us where we share our goals for the upcoming week and share what we did get done. People have some great projects. I get lots of inspiration from checking them out.

I had two Quilty Zoom days this week but was sick most of the week. If it wasn’t for the quilty days and me dragging my butt out of bed for that, I probably wouldn’t have gotten anything done. I am thrilled to be able to share with you what I did work on.

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