I don’t have a lot to share this week. I had my last Quilt Zoom day until after the move to Vancouver, Washington. Last week we started packing the sewing studio. On Monday I will be taking a trip to buy furniture and take some of my sewing stuff. We shall see how it goes.
I plan to linkup with Carol Schmilt at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday.
Hello Everyone! Sorry about missing last week’s blog. Just had a bad week so this week will be a lot since I did stitch everyday this past two weeks. LOL! 😝 Still working on the move which will be the theme for the next month.
Starts & Finishes
I am excited that I have already started five of the six planned starts for this month and one of the two finishes for March. After a mediocre February, I am feeling good about March. Let’s take a look:
START: WIPGO Project: Hello Summer by It’s Sew Emma (FQS)
Start of Hello Summer 3/7/2025Hello Summer WIP 3/18/2025Closeup of Hello Summer WIP 3/18/2025
I got a great start on this WIPGO project for the month. I am already 1216 stitches into my 1500 stitch WIPGO goal. Feeling pleased as ice cream over this one. I have been looking forward to starting this Stitch Quarterly project from a year ago. I love the vibrant colors and it is a delight to work on. In just two nights I am already over half done with this project. Just love stitching on this navy aida.
It has been two weeks since I shared with you. Last week got away from me. First I didn’t have anything to share because my machine ended up in the shop for a week. Since I was not sewing, I kind of just got out of my groove. I even have a second machine to sew with. I just didn’t.
Started backing the quilting/crafting stuff today. I spent some time this weekend, pulling together all the pieces and parts for several of the English Paper Piecing projects that were kept in two of my four rooms (dining room & Harry Potter closet). Neither of the these two rooms were single use rooms, so there was other things with sewing stuff. LOL!
Welcome back! This week has been a fairly productive week with all my cross stitch projects. I am looking forward to sharing what I worked on this week. So let’s get started!
Welcome to this week’s quilty addition of To Do Tuesday. Only got one good day in this week which is more than I have had for several weeks. Let’s take a look.
I will be linking up with Carol @ QuiltSchmilt for To Do Tuesday
Happy Friday! It’s a good day. My daughter who works with USGS is still employed. The next four years, no matter what happens, will be a roller coaster since Donald Trump does not like scientist especially those who work with the environment or climate. But this platform is not a political one and I certainly don’t want to make it so. Just please make sure you get all the facts before you speak.
On to more fun things like all my stitchy projects for this week. Let’s get started!
Hello Everyone! I hope you are having a good week. Since my househunting trip I have been very distracted and totally lost my creative mojo. I still managed to work on a few things so I thought I would share the little I did this week.
I will be linking up with Carol at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday.
Hello from Vancouver Washington! I am still here looking at houses. This house hunting as sucked up all my time each day so there has been no time since I got here on Tuesday to do any stitching. But lucky for you, I still have stuff to share this week.
Hello from Vancouver, Washington. Thanks for stopping by and checking out all my quilty projects. Didn’t work on as many things this week but still spent a few minutes each day working on something.
I will be linking up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday linkup. Check it out.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope all you lovebirds have a great day today. My brother-in-law and my grandson both brought me flowers for today as well as helping me with my storage unit. I loved the grand gesture from both of them!