To Do Tuesday #29

As usual, I will be linking up with Linda, Texas Quilt Lady, for To Do Tuesday! The weekend was all hockey, then sick grandchild. Hopefully he will feel good enough to go to school Wednesday before Thanksgiving break.

What got done this Week?!

With my limited time at home, I was surprised with what actually got finished this week. All I can say is I was very focused in the sewing studio this week. Look what got done:

  • November Monthly Color Challenge block sewn,
  • Cut 4 365 blocks (Jun 27th – 30th),
  • Sewed Jun 27th & Jun 28th blocks for #365blockchallenge,
  • Scrappiness is Happiness Block 3 Sewn,
  • Scrappiness is Happiness Block 4 cut!
  • Appliqued my EPP 8 pointed star to background fabric,
  • Progress on Round 1 of my Ruby’s Garden EPP block 20,
  • Finished both green churn dash blocks,
  • Assembled Row 7 of Hawaiian Quilt, AND
  • Assembled Rows 1 – 6 of Hawaiian Quilt together!

Way Way more than I expected to ever finish this week.

Week 29 To Do List (Nov 22nd- 28th)

I leave Wednesday evening for Seattle and won’t be home until Monday morning so I will be keeping this week’s list pretty short with only a few days home.

To Do #1 – Final Finish 10″ design boards

While I have begun using them, they still need the binding attached to the boards so they can remain viable longer.

To Do #2 – Sew up June 29th & June 30th 365 blocks

Since I got them cut, I am hopeful to get them sewn. Then I can finally start July and sewing my first white border for the 365 Medallion quilt in December.

To Do #3 – EPP Block 20 of Ruby’s Garden
Ruby`s Garden block 20

I am taking this and a few other EPP projects to Seattle with me in hopes that I have some down time to get a little done. This is where I have the most potential of making significant progress.

To Do #4 – Scrappiness is Happiness Week 4 block
Scrappiness is Happiness – Week 3: Chex Mix

I forget the exact name of the next star block, but I have it cut and ready to sew. I hope to work it in this week so I can stay current with the Lori Holt QAL.

Wrap Up

To recap this week’s “playlist”

  1. Bind 10″ design boards
  2. Sew 2 – 365 blocks
  3. Sew Round 1 of my EPP Double Diamond ( Ruby’s Garden )
  4. Finish Week 4 of Scrappiness is Happiness QAL

So I am off to Seattle tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with my daughter. Over the 10 years she was gone, we had so few holidays together. It is nice to spend time with her. I don’t think Christmas will work out due to hockey schedule, so I definitely wanted to spend Thanksgiving with her.

Nala just being cute while hanging out

That means my fur babies will be home alone. Luckily for them, one of their favorite people will be stopping by to play with them and give them goodies. Thank you Micah!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my US friends!

Peggy Stockwell

2 thoughts on “To Do Tuesday #29”

  1. Peggy, I’m so glad you get to spend Thanksgiving with your daughter and hope that you are having a wonderful visit. Is your grandson feeling better? I love Ruby’s Garden fabrics and that fussy cut center on your Chex Mix is so cute. I’m happy you have someone you trust to come and visit your fur babies while you’re gone – that really helps with the enjoyment of trips, right? Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

    1. So sorry to bombard you with all these replies at once. I seriously did not realize how behind I have gotten. My visit with my daughter was fantastic but unfortunately Shaun was sick the entire week of Thanksgiving and is still recovering today. He was supposed to be in a mandatory hockey camp but missed that and school due to having the flu.

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