Floss Friday #48

Welcome to another edition of Floss Friday. It has been fairly productive week with a little catch up on the menu. Let’s take a look.

Starts & Finishes

I was very pleased to wrapup my planned finishes this month.

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Floss Friday #47

Whew! It’s been two weeks since I last checked in with everyone. A week of that was me off spending money in Reno on more quilting projects and supplies that I had not planned on buying! I went with my enabling buddies Mary Elizabeth, Toni, and Teri. We had a great time, shopped, ate, drank, and talked so much about everything under the sun. I am sure we solved all the world’s problems. LOL!

Obviously, I did take a project along and only actually worked on it the first night we were in Reno. I simply was too tired the other nights after being on my feet for hours. After getting home, I just sat in my chair and stared into space for a day or two. So not only did I not stitch much while on the road, I didn’t stitch much when I got back either. Despite all that I still managed to get stuff done. I have no idea how.

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Floss Friday #44

It has been a pretty productive week. I have spent some time organizing all of my kitted projects that still need to be started. It turns out I have a lot of those. LOL! I finally made a list just so I know. Over the past three years I have been a part of quite a few stitch clubs which came completely kitted. It feels good to KNOW what those are.

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Floss Friday #41

How quickly the week has gone by. I feel like I ended April with a bang. I did get my 24 hours of cross stitching in and organized my upcoming month of May. It so nice to be home for more than a couple of days!

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Floss Friday #38

Hello Everyone!

This week has been a very busy week. I discovered I had turned a project upside down at one point. I had to laugh at that. Overall, it was a very productive week though. Let’s take a look.

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Floss Friday #35

Hello Everyone! Our trip to Arizona was very good. Shaun and his hockey team did well. We went there to play against some good teams in preparation for upcoming California State Championship. The weather was pretty much the same as California bouncing around from freezing to pleasant every day we were there. They got to play a lot of different teams from Canada, Virginia, and Arizona. Very good competition!

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Hello Fellow Cross Stitchers. January has been a crazy month in my little month as I have been travelling with my grandson Shaun for hockey the first half of the month. Not a lot of quilting or stitching has happened in my world recently, but definitely more stitching then quilting just due to portability of the hobby.

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Floss Friday #27

I had an unexpected turn this week on one of my 2020 Christmas projects. All will be revealed below. Meanwhile, I am enjoying all the stitchy fun of the holiday season. Fall and Winter are my favorite time to stitch!

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Floss Friday #26

Things have gone very well this past week. I am trying to make sure I touch all of my active WIPS this month. I use to rotate through the WIPS but I found that it was taking forever to finish projects, but I made progress on everything. The month of December I am attempting a hybrid approach. I plan on making sure I work on everything this month, but continuing to work daily on things that close to being finished. Only time will tell if this is going to work.

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