To Do Tuesday #133

Hello from Vancouver, Washington. Thanks for stopping by and checking out all my quilty projects. Didn’t work on as many things this week but still spent a few minutes each day working on something.

I will be linking up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday linkup. Check it out.

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To Do Tuesday #124

Whoo Hoo! I am finally back home. I love traveling as much as I love being home. For once, I actually slept better on the road then in my own bed. I wonder if that has anything to do with the mattress topper I had delivered to my daughters? 😝

I rolled up at my house Sunday night about 9:30 pm after spending the day driving from Vancouver, Washington to San Jose, California. I did a side trip in Salem, Oregon for a two hour shopping spree and a half hour lunch break when I filled up gas for less than $3/gallon. 🏆

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To Do Tuesday #123

Hello from Vancouver, Washington. Took a little side trip yesterday to Multanomah Falls, OR. It was a beautiful sunny day and the only one predicted this week so I took advantage. Did a little hike and some scenic driving including crossing the Bridge of the Gods which crosses the Columbia River between Oregon and Washington. Lovely day topped off by homemade Chicken Pot Pie.

What little I have to share, I will linkup with Carol at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday.

Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #123”

To Do Tuesday #120

How is everyone this week? Hope you are all having a good November. Fall is finally really here in California. Rumor has it that we will be having significant storms this week. I forgot what they call them, but sounds crazy fun.

As usual, I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt in British Columbia for To Do Tuesday. I heard that they got slammed by winter storms this past week. Hopefully our northern friends are all doing well. See the link below to join us where we share our goals for the upcoming week and share what we did get done. People have some great projects. I get lots of inspiration from checking them out.

I had two Quilty Zoom days this week but was sick most of the week. If it wasn’t for the quilty days and me dragging my butt out of bed for that, I probably wouldn’t have gotten anything done. I am thrilled to be able to share with you what I did work on.

Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #120”

To Do Tuesday #116

How is everyone doing this week? Can you believe we are in the third week of October already. We have a beautiful fall day here in San Jose. They are expecting rain next week which hopefully happens so that maybe the fire season will be over.

To Do Tuesday

I will be linking up with Carol @ QuiltSchmilt for To Do Tuesday. I realized I forgot to put the link in last week. See above if you need it. Come join us.

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To Do Tuesday #115

Hello Fall! Love this time of the year! While we do get the trees turning colors, it is just not as much as when I use to live back East. Love all those yellows, golds, oranges, and reds. So fun! The neighborhood is slowly being fully decorated for Halloween. 👻 My neighbors can be so inventive. I have really been enjoying my daily walks.

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Quilt Diary: 2020 Q2 Finishes & Q3 Goals

The second quarter of 2020 has flown by even though we are in quarantine.  It seems like a life time ago that we didn’t have to wear masks in public.  It is a strange time in history and I don’t see it changing.  I have checked the WHO lately or some of the other scientific sites to see how close we are to a vaccination.  When I checked last it was 18 months out.  Crazy world.  I would much rather hibernate in my quilting world.  I feel very grateful that we have the internet and can shop and touch base with other quilters via social media.  Video online classes – that seemed ridiculous until now right?  With all that, I must say I have a very high expectation in my finishes and so I am trying not to beat myself up. Continue reading “Quilt Diary: 2020 Q2 Finishes & Q3 Goals”

Quilt Diary: June Goals and Update

I started a blog two months ago and never published it.  I apologize for my inconsistency these past few months.  I will try and close the gap and not make this too long of a blog.  I have been busy with my projects as well as work and home.
Continue reading “Quilt Diary: June Goals and Update”

Quilt Diary: March Madness

I gave some serious consideration to not putting this blog under the Quilt Diary label but decided screw it.  I’ve been living in a world of secrets for the past 15 months.  You know how some of you have secret sewing, I had secret business deal in the works.  It finally came out in the open on March 2nd when we announced our company was being sold and the deal was closed on March 11th.  I am officially self-employed now.  The past two weeks have been high stress, emotional, and ton of work.  I have worked 12 hour days for 12 days straight which left zero time to quilt and I mean ZERO.  This has been the hardest part of the past two weeks as I use quilting to keep my sanity.  While it has been three weeks since I posted a blog, not a lot of things have happened in my quilting world due to work life.  So let’s see if I can get you updated on the good stuff! Continue reading “Quilt Diary: March Madness”