I gave some serious consideration to not putting this blog under the Quilt Diary label but decided screw it. I’ve been living in a world of secrets for the past 15 months. You know how some of you have secret sewing, I had secret business deal in the works. It finally came out in the open on March 2nd when we announced our company was being sold and the deal was closed on March 11th. I am officially self-employed now. The past two weeks have been high stress, emotional, and ton of work. I have worked 12 hour days for 12 days straight which left zero time to quilt and I mean ZERO. This has been the hardest part of the past two weeks as I use quilting to keep my sanity. While it has been three weeks since I posted a blog, not a lot of things have happened in my quilting world due to work life. So let’s see if I can get you updated on the good stuff! Continue reading “Quilt Diary: March Madness”