Quilt Diary: #Finishalong2018 Quarter 3 Goals

Hard to believe that we are halfway through the year and it is time to set the next quarter goals. Made a list and checking it twice:

1. #100days100blocks2018 challenge: My goal this quarter is to stay current. It started July 7th and we are using the 100 Modern Quilt Blocks book by Tula Pink. Must post each day’s block on Instagram. This challenge finishes in October.

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Quilt Diary: #100days100blocks2018 Day 1

One more post for today. So much is going on and I have been crazy busy so I have been slacking with the posts.

My friend @craftyme2018 mentioned to me that she was going to participate in a new sewalong hosted by @gnomeangel on Instagram using Tula Pink’s book 100 modern blocks. I just couldn’t resist. Today is the first day so I have posted my first block after having to prepare this past week knowing full well that I would be gone for at least 10 days this month. It makes it challenging to do a block a day. Luck for me, they advise making a few ahead of time and posting on the designated day! Continue reading “Quilt Diary: #100days100blocks2018 Day 1”

Quilt Diary: Goal #7 finished

The rules for the finishalong has changed. We have to have a blog per completed goal. So this is a quick post regarding my Over and Under Rainbow (otherwise known as Knot Block). Original Goals are atQuilt Diary: #2018FAL Quarter 2 Goals .  If you are interested in #2018finishalong, you can find information at Capitola Quilter’s website.

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Quilt Diary: Quarter 2 Progress

1. Caitlin portrait: I am still having challenges with removing the film the teacher gave us. Supposed to be able to “iron” off. I have done alot of research on the internet. Since I don’t know the exact branch the teacher gave us, I have had zero luck with that. So I started tearing it out. It really sucks and is going to take awhile. I almost want to just … quit. But I reminded myself, it is one time and one time only. I will never use heat film again.

2. Abstract City Scape: I haven’t done anything with this project.

3. Candy Rail: Does admiring the top count?

4. Charity Quilt: I have worked on this some but am having issues with my frame and the machine running smoothly. I have not tackled the problem. I still feel this can get done. I just need to focus. No progress to speak of though. (Unless you count the cat laying on it while on the frame. )

5. NYE 2010: Zero progress. I located it, but haven’t even determined what I have and don’t have.

6. Rainbow Log Cabin: Zilch 🙁

7. Rainbow Over and Under (knot quilt): I haven’t worked on it but I think I will pull that out this week.

8. Sweet Baby Rag Quilt: DONE! DONE!

9. #365 block challenge: Now this is where I have spent most of my time this quarter. I was zooming along until I got to mitered blocks. Everything came to a screeching halt. I have set it aside about 2 weeks ago when I got to a technique that really challenges me. After several tries, I decided I just needed to set it aside.


So what have I been working on because I am still sewing almost every day – just not on my quarter goals.

1. Quilter’s Planner Sew Along: I am extremely happy to report that I am current on this sew along. It is the first one where I have stayed on top of it. I have finished April & May in both colorways. June Sunflower block is done for the Classic layout. I have all the months cut out and just waiting to be sewen together for this one. The jewel colorway is cut for June – October. I am on target baby!

2. Rosie’s Peacock Quilt: I pulled together the fabrics earlier this year and planned the basics. I am using Moda’s Rosie Receipe cards with Peacock Colorstory layer cake and a nice gold tan background. I am very pleased how this is looking. I have been making notes on different ideas on how to lay this out. Current thought is to lay it out from lightest block to darkest diagonally across the quilt.

3. Sunflower Charm Squared Quilt: I pulled this one out today and squared up the blocks and divided into light & dark. I have decided to alternate based on sashing light/dark/light/dark with a 6 x 7 layout. I have saved all the leftovers from the jelly roll to make a piano border. I added it to my quilt notebook today with ideas for layouts and quilting as well. I forgot that I had bought several yards of different fabrics from this line because I fell in love with this line. This is the same fabric I used for one of the colorways in the Quilters Planner Sew Along.

4. Andrew’s 3 color quilt: My daughter asked me to make her boyfriend a quilt with his three favorite colors – red, green, yellow. I bought fabric. Have brain stormed ideas of a block to make. Have I written those down – nope. So I have already forgotten all my great ideas. LOL!


I am happy to report that the house is progressing nicely. Before July, I hope to have my sewing room restored. The floors are in. The walls are patched. Just need the walls painted then I can get my stuff out of storage.

I want to get this posted before heading off to bed.

Happy quilting!


Quilt Diary: May Progress

It is hard to believe we are halfway through May already. It has been a busy month so far. Still working out the kinks on what to post to update everyone. Here we go.

365 Block Quilt Challenge

I set my quarterly goal to be current by quarter end. To aid with that goal I set my May goal to be done with blocks through April 15th. I am on first of six travel days so I am thinking I was very ambitious in my goals. What the heck! Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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Quilt Diary: May One Monthly Goal

Hello Fellow Quilters:

Hard to believe we are in May already. The year is flying by. I have been debating for the last couple of days what I wanted my goal to be for May. So many projects to pick from for this quarter. I finally settled on doing a little catch up on 365 Block Challenge 2018 hosted by Kathryn Kerr. I am a wee bit behind and want to really focus on striding forward on this great project. Making 3 1/2 blocks have been a lot of fun! This is also my first 100% solid quilt. Next question I had to ask myself was what my target would be. Since I am only on February 11th, I wanted a reachable stretch goal. So I settled on finishing blocks through April 15th. That is a little over 60 blocks in the next 25 days.

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Quilt Diary: April One Monthly Goal Finish

April is winding up and so I thought I would give an update on my one monthly goal which was the Baby Rag Quilt. FINISHED!!! I am so excited to finish. I had hoped to do some different techniques on the squares, just ran out of time.

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Quilt Diary: On the Road

This has been a crazy April so far. Big quilting plans with a lot of interruptions. Spent Friday – Wednesday packing my kitchen and garage in preparation for the restoration back in Nov when a leaking pipe flooded my house. After arriving in Indiana this afternoon, I got a call that the HVAC guy discovered another leak. So all work has halted until it can be fixed by the plumber. He can’t come until Tuesday!!! All of my appliances are gone out of the kitchen in preparation for the cabinet guy to come and scoop out all the old cabinets to make way for the new. Master bath getting a facelift also this week and next week. Chaos reigns!

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Quilt Diary: #2018FAL Quarter 2 Goals

Well it is time to set some new goals to aim high. Of course, I will try and be more realistic, but I am an eternal optimist. In my opinion, this is a good trait overall. Just sometimes I disappoint myself and have to do a selfcheck. Enough philsophy. More quilting! I am linking up with Capitola Quilter and the 2018 FinishALong. Just click on the button below to go to her website!

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