Quilt Diary: Finish-A-Long 2020 Quarter 1 List

My 2020 first quarter goals for Finish-A-Long

We are starting this post making my list for first quarter.  I already posted on Instagram (@quiltadventures) on Friday night.  Some of these have been on the list for a while.  For the old ones, I added them to my All People Quilt Resolution 2020.  I will tag those items as I go.  Because it is so random drawing for the #APQResolution2020, I included all of them in my quarterly goals just in case! Continue reading “Quilt Diary: Finish-A-Long 2020 Quarter 1 List”

Quilt Diary: New Year’s Resolutions-Self Care

Holidays were full of family, friends, celebrations, and hockey.  As for most of you, there was not a lot of time to sew in the past two weeks.  I am sure no one is surprised.  Just got home tonight from a hockey weekend in Anaheim.  I really thought I would have plenty of time to write my blog and get started on some of my new projects.  (lol – such an optimist). Where to start?  Continue reading “Quilt Diary: New Year’s Resolutions-Self Care”

Quilt Diary: Jack ‘O Lantern Wooly Mug Rugs Finish!

It is an overcast day here in San Jose, CA.  I was thinking about whether to take my computer to Starbucks and realized that it has been two weeks already since the last time I posted anything.  So the laptop was grabbed on the way out the door along with the cookie making shopping list. Continue reading “Quilt Diary: Jack ‘O Lantern Wooly Mug Rugs Finish!”

Quilt Diary: First finish of Quarter 4 – Holiday Tablecloths & Turkey Wooly Mug Rugs

It is so hard to believe that it has already been two weeks since I last posted.  I guess with the Thanksgiving holiday it only sped up the days!  I finished both reversible tablecloths in time to take to Canada.  I was very stoked to actually finish in a timely manner!  For me, being reversible was very challenging.  I had thought that the same design on both sides would make it easier.  I never could get them lined up exactly right which was very apparent when I was semi-stitching in the ditch.  Because I used a “matching” thread, it was only noticeable to myself, the maker.  I have decided that if I do a reversible anything again to do an all over quilting versus following my “block” pattern.  What a wonderful problem to have, right? Continue reading “Quilt Diary: First finish of Quarter 4 – Holiday Tablecloths & Turkey Wooly Mug Rugs”

Quilt Diary: November Project Update

We have been back for almost two weeks, yet I don’t feel like I have any time to sew.  I have been putting in a lot of hours at work.  Meetings all day and my actual work at night and weekends.  Every November seems to get like this.  Just Crazy!  When I get home, I am exhausted.  There is no food in the house again.  #sigh  I currently am not seeing an end to this grueling pace.  I will get a break next week when we head to Halifax for American Thanksgiving.  That will be nice. Continue reading “Quilt Diary: November Project Update”

Quilt Diary: Updates from Long Beach

Just an update on the projects on my projects while we are in Long Beach this weekend for hockey.

Sewing on the Go

Ruby’s Garden Quilt (English Paper Piecing)

I have only worked a little on this project since last week.  I started the next diamond which is still cream and turquoise but with some rose colored accented fabrics. Continue reading “Quilt Diary: Updates from Long Beach”

Quilt Diary: Home for the Weekend

This is my first weekend home for a few weeks.  Looking at my November and December schedules, it looks like I will be home more than not for once.  This fall has been crazy busy with hockey tournaments.  We will be heading out again this weekend for a weekend of hockey in Long Beach!  Let’s get started on what I have been working on this weekend. Continue reading “Quilt Diary: Home for the Weekend”

Quilt Diary: 4th Quarter 2019 Goals

Hello my fellow crafters!  I had an okay first quarter, a dismal second quarter, and a fantastic third quarter.  Now it is time to set goals for the fourth quarter for the #2019FAL 2019 Finishalong hosted by Capitola Quilter (one of many hosts).  I started participating in 2018 and it has really helped this ADD girl to focus.  Yes, I still jump around because that is my nature to work more than one project.  Of course, if I worked on one project at a time, then I wouldn’t need goal setting challenges like #onethingwithAmy, #onemonthlygoal, #ssqfinishalong, or #finishalong.  My creative nature requires me to move on to something else when I have a block.  It works for me!  The other thing I have discovered, I do not like being limited by a list, but I love checking things off a list!  LOL! Continue reading “Quilt Diary: 4th Quarter 2019 Goals”

Quilt Diary: October One Monthly Goal

I missed my September One Monthly Goal, so I am resetting that same goal for October.  I will finish 4 Halloween placemats.  I was defeated by my sewing machine last month.  Of course if I had not waited til the last week to press forward, it would have been a non issue.  I just need to finish free motion quilting and binding these cute placemats. I am linking up with Patty at Elm Street Quilts.  Quilting these 4 placemats are this week’s #onethingwithAmy goal as well.

Front of Halloween Placemats

Continue reading “Quilt Diary: October One Monthly Goal”