Floss Friday #134

Hello Everyone! Sorry about missing last week’s blog. Just had a bad week so this week will be a lot since I did stitch everyday this past two weeks. LOL! 😝 Still working on the move which will be the theme for the next month.

Starts & Finishes

I am excited that I have already started five of the six planned starts for this month and one of the two finishes for March. After a mediocre February, I am feeling good about March. Let’s take a look:

START: WIPGO Project: Hello Summer by It’s Sew Emma (FQS)

I got a great start on this WIPGO project for the month. I am already 1216 stitches into my 1500 stitch WIPGO goal. Feeling pleased as ice cream over this one. I have been looking forward to starting this Stitch Quarterly project from a year ago. I love the vibrant colors and it is a delight to work on. In just two nights I am already over half done with this project. Just love stitching on this navy aida.

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Floss Friday #133

Welcome back! This week has been a fairly productive week with all my cross stitch projects. I am looking forward to sharing what I worked on this week. So let’s get started!

February WIPGO Results

WIPGO February 2025: Projects 7 & 8
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Floss Friday #132

Happy Friday! It’s a good day. My daughter who works with USGS is still employed. The next four years, no matter what happens, will be a roller coaster since Donald Trump does not like scientist especially those who work with the environment or climate. But this platform is not a political one and I certainly don’t want to make it so. Just please make sure you get all the facts before you speak.

On to more fun things like all my stitchy projects for this week. Let’s get started!

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Floss Friday #131

Hello from Vancouver Washington! I am still here looking at houses. This house hunting as sucked up all my time each day so there has been no time since I got here on Tuesday to do any stitching. But lucky for you, I still have stuff to share this week.

Starts & Finishes

Just one finish this week.

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Floss Friday #130

Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope all you lovebirds have a great day today. My brother-in-law and my grandson both brought me flowers for today as well as helping me with my storage unit. I loved the grand gesture from both of them!

Flowers from Jesse on Valentine’s Day
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Floss Friday #129

Welcome Back Everyone! Weather update for Nor Cal – Raining. February is typically our wettest month of the year. It has been known to rain all 28 days of February. While that won’t be the case this year, we are getting enough rain to cause flooding north of San Francisco. I am not sure why anyone ever moves up there, because it happens every rainy season. I am sure it is gorgeous the rest of the year though. Enough about Nor Cal weather and lets check in on my stitchy projects for this past week.

January WIPGO Results

WIPGO January 2025
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Floss Friday #128

Hello Everyone! Hope you have fun plans for the weekend. I am just checking in with this week’s eye candy and plans for the upcoming week. The weather here in Nor Cal has definitely cooled off but still balmy compared to the rest of the country.

February WIPGO

WIPGO February 2025: Projects 7 & 8

Numbers have been pulled for February and I am in the process of prepping for February projects. Our pull for February are 7 & 8. Let’s take a look at what those projects will be for me.

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Floss Friday #127

Welcome to this week’s edition of cross stitch projects underway. This week is being cut short as I am actually writing this on Thursday because I have things to do tomorrow. LOL! We are having an unseasonably warm day here in Northern California with the temp at 68F. Just a few days ago the high was in the 40s. You have to love mother nature keeping us on our toes.

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Floss Friday #126

It feels like only yesterday that I was sharing what I have been up to this week on all my Cross Stitch projects. In reality, it has been a week! Whoa! What a busy week it has been. We are having unseasonably warm sunny weather here in Northern California. I am enjoying it while I can.

January Goals

I thought I would recap my monthly cross stitch start and finish goals here. I normally try to keep this number down, but January got out of control. 🐿️🤪

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Floss Friday #125

Hope all my stitchy friends are safe and sound from the winter storms and the wildfires. Crazy winter we are having. Everyone is safe and sound here in San Jose, California. Today feels like a spring day with the temperature at 67F. I am enjoying it while I can.

It’s been a great stitchy week and I am looking forward to sharing my progress with you. Still need to kit up my planned starts but otherwise, everything is great.

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