Floss Friday #33

Happy Friday Everyone! First post cross stitch post in February. I didn’t get to stitch every day, but almost every day. Let’s get started!

Starts & Finishes

No new starts but I had TWO finishes. I was very pleased with that.

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Floss Friday #32

With 24 hours of cross stitching last weekend, I made great progress. So let’s get started!

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Floss Friday #27

I had an unexpected turn this week on one of my 2020 Christmas projects. All will be revealed below. Meanwhile, I am enjoying all the stitchy fun of the holiday season. Fall and Winter are my favorite time to stitch!

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Floss Friday #26

Things have gone very well this past week. I am trying to make sure I touch all of my active WIPS this month. I use to rotate through the WIPS but I found that it was taking forever to finish projects, but I made progress on everything. The month of December I am attempting a hybrid approach. I plan on making sure I work on everything this month, but continuing to work daily on things that close to being finished. Only time will tell if this is going to work.

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Floss Friday #6

Happy Friday! I am attempting to type while Simba is petting me and the computer. Not only is he distracting, he keeps stepping on the keyboard. He has been very needed today waking me up at 4:30 this morning requesting cuddles. This is not normal behavior for him so not sure what’s up.

Okay. I spent some time petting him and he is settling down for a nap. Keep your fingers crossed!

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Floss Friday #4

How quick the week went! I didn’t make it through everything I wanted to work on this week but I do love all that I did finish.

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Floss Fridays #1

It hit me like a ton of bricks this afternoon what to call this weekly blog for my cross stitch projects. While I meant to post last week, it seems that I needed to wait until this week for this creative inspiration. So instead of just one week’s worth of projects you will be getting two weeks this time which will make this post still a bit long. Although I did work on a few projects multiple days.

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Cross Stitch Diary: February 2022

Still in catch up mode. This week we will take a sneak peek at my February projects so far. I participated in an instagram #stitchthewinterolympics which was fun if a little limiting. But sometimes you just have to change it up. That means a few projects I had intended on working on for the month have not even been started. With less than week left in February, I do want to get started on those projects. I will share next week with all of you.

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CROSS STITCH DIARY: Stitchtober 2020 Wrap Up Plus What’s New


I ended up stretching Stitchtober all the way to November 30th as I tried to finish my last two starts. Unfortunately, I began resenting working on Halloween and Fall projects so it was time to set the remainder projects aside for 2021.

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