Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope all you lovebirds have a great day today. My brother-in-law and my grandson both brought me flowers for today as well as helping me with my storage unit. I loved the grand gesture from both of them!

Quilting, Cross Stitch & Travel Adventures
Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope all you lovebirds have a great day today. My brother-in-law and my grandson both brought me flowers for today as well as helping me with my storage unit. I loved the grand gesture from both of them!
Welcome to this week’s edition of cross stitch projects underway. This week is being cut short as I am actually writing this on Thursday because I have things to do tomorrow. LOL! We are having an unseasonably warm day here in Northern California with the temp at 68F. Just a few days ago the high was in the 40s. You have to love mother nature keeping us on our toes.
Continue reading “Floss Friday #127”I am exhausted from working on the Cross Stitch WIP parade. It sure felt real good. I didn’t have any new FFO for Cross Stitch in 2024 so that will definitely be a goal for 2025.
Meanwhile, let’s take a look at what I worked on this week.
Continue reading “Floss Friday #124”I am taking a moment to make this special post for all my cross stitch WIPs at December 31, 2024. While I would love to do this with my quilty projects, with over a 100 WIPs that is just not possible for this year anyway. Maybe next year.
January 2024 I started with 17 WIPs. I had the following starts:
Continue reading “2024 WIP Parade”Hope everyone had a great American Thanksgiving. I am still in food coma mode. How about you? It was great to spend some time with my sister and her family this year. So very nice. Food was fabulous as well as the company. Now I am ready to settle into the Christmas season with Christmas less than 4 weeks away. Ready. Set. GO!
So exciting that this week I finished two and started three. I was relieved that I was able to wrap up these small projects.
Continue reading “Floss Friday #119”Hello My Stitchy Friends from Vancouver, Washington. I stopped for the night on my way to Seattle, Washington Tuesday night. I stayed along the Columbia River. It was a beautiful night along the waterfront.
Welcome to this week’s edition of all things cross stitchy. I spent the last three days attending a virtual conference on my latest hobby of surface pattern design. It was fun but would have been more fun in person. Got some great new ideas and some encouragement that I am headed in the right direction. This surface pattern design journey reminds me of my quilting or cross stitch journey. So much information, so much enthusiasm, a so little courage to go for it. 😂
Moving on to what I worked on this week. I ended up taking last night off but I still worked on a number of projects this past week. Let’s check it out.
Continue reading “Floss Friday #97”I have been a little late all week. Off my game for sure. But it has been a super productive week in my crafting world. 😝 I think I am finally recovered from the Reno trip just in time for my trip to Washington State. Let’s take a look at what cross stitch I worked on this past week.
I had one start and three finishes this week. It felt so good to check off so many of my finish projects off the list. Let’s check them out!
Continue reading “Floss Friday #96”It has been a busy week at the Reno Quilt Show but we still managed to get some stitching in as we settled down for the night. Not as much as normal, but still a decent amount. We finished our classes yesterday and walked the show floor in just a couple of hours. That turned out to be a good thing since we only had a couple of hours. 😂.
Thursday night we drove over to Gardnerville to stay at a friend’s house and to hit our favorite quilt store – Quilt House. As usual, it was productive and fabric that we haven’t been able to find was found. We will be heading home today. But before we do that: Let’s take a look at this week’s projects.
Continue reading “Floss Friday #95”Can you believe today is the last day of May? Tomorrow is June! #wow This week has been full of graduations including my grandson’s girlfriend. The two of them have been running from graduation to graduation all week. Tis the season. It is hard to believe he is only 16 but next year he will be graduating himself (dating older women LOL).
Summer is around the corner. It has been hot this week but not nearly as hot as next week will be. We will be having our first heatwave of the season. That’s always when you find out the AC is broken right? 😂
Continue reading “Floss Friday #93”