Floss Friday #18

I wanted to make sure I shared with all of you the best class I have ever taken (and I take a lot of classes both professionally and hobbywise) What can I say? I love to learn.

A few months back I discovered that Cathy from Hands on Design was doing a class in California. I am a big fan and I desperately needed to learn how to finish that stack of 100 completed stitches. After signing up for the class, I must have watched like 10 of her finishing videos and did do my first final finish which I shared in Floss Friday #16 (a pillow).

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Floss Friday #17

It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted as I have been on the road with hockey again. This weekend I will be doing a class with Cathy of Hands on Design and Lois of Ladydot Creates. A matter of fact I am in class now when this is posting. I can’t wait to share next Friday!

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