Floss Friday #91

Welcome to this week’s edition of Floss Friday where I share what cross stitch projects I have been working on this week. If you follow me at all, you know that I just got back on Wednesday from taking the train to and from Seattle to visit my daughter. I tried to stitch on the train, but I got motion sick. I did do a little on the way to Seattle, but I did english paper piecing on the way home.

Let’s take a look at this weeks projects.

Starts & Finishes

Not a lot of action in this category but I did manage to work in one new start.

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To Do Tuesday #94

Hello from Seattle! I meet the German In-Laws. As expected everyone was very nice. They have a packed schedule trying to squeeze in as much as possible in their trip. I gave them the potholders that I finished hours before boarding the train on Friday (😂). They seemed to be a hit. I got German chocolate in return from their hometown. I haven’t tried it yet, but I do love chocolate.

The plan is to linkup with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt this week.

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Floss Friday #90

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone. I am headed to Seattle (via train) to spend the weekend with my daughter and her In-Laws who are here from Germany. I decided on potholders as gifts for Jannes’ family, so I am furiously sewing. LOL!

It has been a pretty productive stitching week even though most nights were just a couple of hours. I think it is because I only worked on aida projects this week. I am always faster with aida and of course lower count. But several of my projects were 18 count.

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To Do Tuesday #93

Hello Everyone! The sun is out and shining here after a weekend of rain. Love the clear blue skies. I am running around like a chicken with their head cut off as I am preparing for Amtrak trip to Seattle to meet my daughter’s future in laws. We were chatting and the mom really liked the quilt I had given her son and the other quilts that my daughter has of mine. She even asked if she could have one. I asked Caitlin should I bring one? She said they didn’t have room to get it home so probably not. So I sit here wondering should I take one anyway just in case? Should I make something small like potholders? Decisions. Decisions. I leave in 3 days. Whew!

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Floss Friday #89

Happy Friday Everyone! We have a gorgeous bluebird day today with predictions of rain tomorrow. Don’t you love Spring? Sunny and warm one minute; cold and rainy the next.

Starts & Finishes

I did not realize until I was checking my stitching calendar that I had one finish and one start.

FINISH: Let’s Talk Spring by Hands on Design

Whew! Finding these photos was a chore. A few years ago I didn’t do a good job labelling my photos. I wanted to show how I have finished this Let’s Talk Series when I finished the framed chart in April. I look forward to finishing all of these! I love these colors!

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To Do Tuesday #92

Can you say road trip?! I got back last night from a road trip to Paso Robles, California. Such a fun area. I enjoyed every moment.

It was super fun to hang with old colleagues as we celebrated the life of Spencer Keiser another friend and colleague.

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Floss Friday #88

Happy Friday! After a blazing hot weekend, starting Tuesday we went from 80F to 65F. They are saying it should be a dry weekend though. I had heard on the news that we have not had back to back dry weekends since October. That seems so crazy when just a couple of years ago we were in a severe drought. I am thankful that this winter was wet but we were not drowned. Love living in Northern California.

Now to jump into sharing this last week’s stitchy projects I worked on.

Starts & Finishes

I didn’t have any new starts this week but I did have two new finishes.

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To Do Tuesday #91

Welcome to this week of To Do Tuesday where I will share all of my quilty goodness that I worked on last week and what I hope to accomplish this week. I plan to link up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt. Jump over and check out her site and her To Do Tuesday linkup.

To Do Tuesday https://quiltschmilt.ca/
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Floss Friday #87

Happy Friday! It is a relief to have tax day behind us here in the US. Of course, being retired my return is pretty straight forward but it is still a pain in the ###. I would much rather think about all the fun things I could be doing instead! So let’s talk cross stitch today on this gorgeous spring day in San Jose.

Starts & Finishes

I worked on one of my WIPGO projects this week – Year of Celebration Season 2 with one finish and one start as well as one other new start.

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To Do Tuesday #90

Welcome Back! Once again I will be linking this post with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt. Thank you Carol for hosting To Do Tuesday! If you have not already, come join us or just take a look around at all the great projects. While most of the projects are quilty, they can be anything.

To Do Tuesday https://quiltschmilt.ca/
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #90”