Welcome to another To Do Tuesday. It’s been a couple of weeks for me this time because I took a little road trip to Washington and Oregon. Check out my last Floss Friday to see some pictures from that trip.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #18”Tag: #365blockchallenge
To Do Tuesday #17
July just flew by! I can believe how quickly it went. I didn’t feel like I was gone that much but in reality I was gone for half the month. My biggest trip being to Utah for the Gammill Summit for long armers. It was awesome to meet so many people. My creative juices are just flying. So much inspiration!
Today is my daughter Caitlin’s 28th birthday! How quickly time flies!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #17”To Do Tuesday #16

Hello Everyone! Can you believe it is July already?! Wow that is fast. Summer just began and here we are in the middle already. Today people are here cleaning my solar panels and my windows. Unfortunately they left the door open and so far I have only seen 2 of my 3 cats. But if they are in hiding, it could be a while before I know if someone escaped before I closed the door. Luckily this is their normal naptime.
I will be linking up with Texas Quilt Gal for this week’s To Do Tuesday. See above for link
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #16”To Do Tuesday #15
Welcome Back! I just got back from a vacation to Washington state which included camping at Olympic National Park on Lake Crescent. I am getting too old to be sleeping on the ground and being such a long ways from the bathroom. It’s amazing how inconvenient it is to have to go potty multiple times during the night. Luckily my tent mates were too tired to hear me zipping in and out of the tent multiple times during the night. LOL!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #15”To Do Tuesday #14
Hello Fellow Quilters!
It has been a few weeks since I posted. I was overly optimistic about having energy to quilt while my brother was here. I love my brother and it was awesome spending time together – just the two of us. Several people left comments that they did not know how I was going to find time to quilt. LOL! Yea, that didn’t happen.

To Do Tuesday #13
Wow! Where did the week go! I had a lot of distractions this week so only a few things done even with my all day sewing on Friday. I don’t know about you, but any progress makes me happy.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #13”To Do Tuesday #12
Happy Tuesday everyone! Hope you have had a great week. Here is San Jose it has been nippy for May. I had a nice Mother’s Day with my son Steven. He took me to dinner and a movie.
Happy mail arrived today – my Alison Glass fabric! Whoohoo!

To Do Tuesday #11
This week has flown by. I feel like I got a ton done. My list doesn’t seem to reflect my feelings. LOL! Probably because I have been working on some of my larger WIPs. I’m definitely on a feel good cloud!
On top of all of that, I decided to participate in an unofficial WIP challenge with one of my Instagram quilty friends @flyinggoosestudio (Jocelyn). She is challenging herself (and anyone who wants to jump in) to spend the next 50 days (May 1 – June 20th) working only on WIPs. No new starts.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #11”To Do Tuesday #10
It’s been what I would consider a fairly productive week. While I did not quilt every day, I did little things on almost everything on my list as well as finish binding my Over & Under Quilt from 2017. I am a happy quilter!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #10”To Do Tuesday #9
Whew! Went to post on April 5th and the website was not working. I tried a few things but needed to get ready for my vacation in Hawaii. Finally today, I found the right number and the right person and we seem to be back in business baby!
Honestly, I didn’t do a lot since I was in Seattle April 1st – 4th and Hawaii April 11th – 18th. I took stuff with me, but we were having way to much fun. I hope to post a travel post soon.
I saw there was two fabric stores in Kauai and I made it to one and purchased border and backing for two future Hawaiian quilts whose charm packs I picked up 4 years ago in Maui.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #9”