To Do Tuesday #99

Hello Everyone! Another week is in the books. Last week was spent in Reno taking a couple of classes at Quilt Festival before walking the floor. We checked out the vendors as well as all the quilts on display. I took a class from Laura Heine called Teeny Tiny Elephant Collage (class sample above). Check out what Mary Elizabeth and I got done in class.

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To Do Tuesday #98

Hello from Reno! Here for the Reno Quilt Festival with my friend Mary Elizabeth. We are excited about the class with Laura Heine. We will be working on a Elephant Collage.

I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt this week. Come take a look.

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To Do Tuesday #97

Hello Everyone! Today is the beginning of a predicted week long heat wave 🥵 so I am currently in my local Starbucks staying cool watching the blue sky slowly become hazy with the heat. I am thankful that I actually have AC which was not the case before this house. #thankful

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