Quilt Diary: #Finishalong2018 Quarter 3 Goals

Hard to believe that we are halfway through the year and it is time to set the next quarter goals. Made a list and checking it twice:

1. #100days100blocks2018 challenge: My goal this quarter is to stay current. It started July 7th and we are using the 100 Modern Quilt Blocks book by Tula Pink. Must post each day’s block on Instagram. This challenge finishes in October.

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Quilt Diary: April One Monthly Goal Finish

April is winding up and so I thought I would give an update on my one monthly goal which was the Baby Rag Quilt. FINISHED!!! I am so excited to finish. I had hoped to do some different techniques on the squares, just ran out of time.

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Quilt Diary: #2018FAL Quarter 2 Goals

Well it is time to set some new goals to aim high. Of course, I will try and be more realistic, but I am an eternal optimist. In my opinion, this is a good trait overall. Just sometimes I disappoint myself and have to do a selfcheck. Enough philsophy. More quilting! I am linking up with Capitola Quilter and the 2018 FinishALong. Just click on the button below to go to her website!

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Quilt Diary: 2018 Goals

I have joined in Elm Street Quilts #onemonthlygoal for January. While posting on Instagram, I saw the new designers and one of them is quilting Jet girl who has a #2018PlanningParty. Unfortunately, I missed her cut off for 2018 goals as it ended December 31st. So I decided to post those goals here. My #onemonthlygoal is to finish my brother Scott’s Continue reading “Quilt Diary: 2018 Goals”