Finishalong Diary: Quarter 1 2021

I really thought I would finish more things than I did, but I still finished 7 different projects this quarter out of 21. I feel good about that. I keep getting more organized as time goes on, so all is good!

Continue reading “Finishalong Diary: Quarter 1 2021”

QUILT DIARY: Under the Needle in February 2021

Same as in January, I have focused mostly on my free motion quilting and have really neglected my other sewing projects. You throw in a trip to Florida the last week of February and I really shut down my own progress. #sigh I apologize for the week late post.

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QUILT DIARY: Under the needle for January 2021

How has your January been? Here in California we have had the strangest weather. You may recall that last week we had sunny days in the high 70’s. It began to rain on Friday and hasn’t stopped. We had temperatures drop below freezing over the weekend. Crazy indeed!

Continue reading “QUILT DIARY: Under the needle for January 2021”

EPP DIARY: What’s Happening in 2021?

Can’t believe it’s already been a month since we last talked about my English Paper Piecing projects. I did get a lot of hockey time which equals piecing time! Although our county shut down, a couple counties away, the rinks were opened so we were able to do two weeks of hockey camp. Thank goodness!

Continue reading “EPP DIARY: What’s Happening in 2021?”

QUILT DIARY: What’s Under my needle in November

It is hard to believe that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and next week will be December. Where has the time gone? We just went back to tighter covid regulations including a curfew statewide in California of 10pm. If you are out after that you need a note.

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Quilt Diary: 2020 Q2 Finishes & Q3 Goals

The second quarter of 2020 has flown by even though we are in quarantine.  It seems like a life time ago that we didn’t have to wear masks in public.  It is a strange time in history and I don’t see it changing.  I have checked the WHO lately or some of the other scientific sites to see how close we are to a vaccination.  When I checked last it was 18 months out.  Crazy world.  I would much rather hibernate in my quilting world.  I feel very grateful that we have the internet and can shop and touch base with other quilters via social media.  Video online classes – that seemed ridiculous until now right?  With all that, I must say I have a very high expectation in my finishes and so I am trying not to beat myself up. Continue reading “Quilt Diary: 2020 Q2 Finishes & Q3 Goals”

Quilt Diary: June Projects Update

My boss has been in town this week (and next) as well as getting a visitor Monday night who will be staying indefinitely.  His name is Jannes and he is from Germany.  He was supposed to get his Canadian Visa by now and because of COVID-19 that hasn’t happened.  He is hoping to be in Canada within the next two weeks.  So we shall see.  With so much going on, I have barely touched my project list this week.

On to updating you on all things quilty! Continue reading “Quilt Diary: June Projects Update”

Quilt Diary: June Goals and Update

I started a blog two months ago and never published it.  I apologize for my inconsistency these past few months.  I will try and close the gap and not make this too long of a blog.  I have been busy with my projects as well as work and home.
Continue reading “Quilt Diary: June Goals and Update”

Quilt Diary: 2020 Quarter 2 Finish-Along

Well this past week found me finishing up a bunch of items for the end of Quarter 1.  I wrapped up both Blooming Pumpkins and the Halloween wall hangings as well as finishing up the blue pinwheel potholders.  That put me at 11 finished projects for Quarter one.  Definitely one of my best quarters with a full size quilt as well as many small projects completed! Continue reading “Quilt Diary: 2020 Quarter 2 Finish-Along”

Quilt Diary: New Year’s Resolutions-Self Care

Holidays were full of family, friends, celebrations, and hockey.  As for most of you, there was not a lot of time to sew in the past two weeks.  I am sure no one is surprised.  Just got home tonight from a hockey weekend in Anaheim.  I really thought I would have plenty of time to write my blog and get started on some of my new projects.  (lol – such an optimist). Where to start?  Continue reading “Quilt Diary: New Year’s Resolutions-Self Care”