Welcome to December! Just 22 days until Christmas. For those of you working on handmade projects, good luck!
I have been getting ready for my upcoming to trip to Vancouver, Washington. It looks like the weather will be cooperative which is nice. Made a list of everything that I need to do before I go and the things I need to take for my daughter Caitlin. I haven’t seen her since July so I am looking forward to seeing her in person and spending a little mother-daughter time together while her fiancee is on a work trip.
I will be linking up with Carol at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Join us!

Under the Needle Last Week
I had the best of intentions this week, time slipped away faster than I could use it. 😝 This is what I did get done this week.

I spent most of one day finishing the pieced floating border for my Charming Zuma lap quilt. Nala was the chief inspector every step of the way. I told her she made a better cat door than a window. She just head butted me and purred. Once I got the top down to take a picture she was attempting to get under it until I finally let her crawl under (no pic of that one). I left her with the finished quilt top for about 30 minutes before she decided to see if I was doing something more fun.
This quilt top was started in 2019 when I decided to use up a Tula Pink Zuma Charm pack and jelly roll. It is one of my favorite things to do with those two. It is a very relaxing time to sew with no measurements to speak of just grabbing a charm square and a jelly roll strip. After I put the top together last year, I pondered what I should do for a border. I accidentally did a floating border a long time ago by using the outer/inner boarder to connect strip sets. I love the results.

I felt so accomplished after finishing the quilt top that it took a few days before wandering into my sewing studio again. But once I did….
- I got a hankering to catch up on my November temperature cottage so was able to sew two more rows onto the cottage (Nov 13-24). So much cooler. Look at all those blues
- Only needed to replenish one of my colors so that was nice. I don’t think I will get that lucky next time.
- I was able to finish another churn dash block (my current leaders and enders project)
- Before moving back in to FPP mode, I decided I wanted to get the background pieced for my Blooming Snowflakes applique wallhanging that I want to finish in December. Lovely background fabrics were included in the Shabby Fabric kit.
- Month 2 Dragonfruit has a total of four different blocks made 4 times. Last week I finished all four Lemon blocks. This week I was able to finish all 4 Mango and Pear blocks. That just leaves Kiwi to finish before receiving the Month 3 shipment.
Now it is time to review November goals and make the December goals. If my goal list wasn’t so….full, I might feel like I had gotten something done. Looking back I did get a lot done.

- ✔️SAL: 2024 SJ Temperature Cottage Quilt: Finish October Cottage. Start the November Cottage.
- ✔️SAL: 2024 November Monthly Color Challenge Block
- SAL: 2024 Venti AG Sunprint FPP quilt – Make ☑️4 Courthouse blocks and ☑️4 Economy blocks. Assemble Rows 3,4,&5. Assemble Sections 1/2, 3/4/5, 6/ 7
- ✔️SAL: 2024 TP Dragonfruit FPP QAL: Finish Mo 1. Start Mo 2.
- ✔️EPP: Farmers Wife 1920: Start Block 48
- EPP: Pull out Lost & Found. Figure out layout of the 24 blocks and begin sashing the first row of blocks.
- EPP: Ruby’s Garden: start Block 25
- ✔️Applique: Finish November Gnome Is Where the Heart Is
- ✔️Applique: Finish January Gnome Is Where the Heart Is
- ✔️Applique: Start Blooming Snowflakes
- Small Project: Finish Patriotic tablerunner
UFO: Pull out 2020 Meadowland blocks and figure out a layout, then start assembling.Decided to put this one away as I have other UFO’s closer to being finished tops- ✔️UFO: 2019 Tula Pink Zuma Charm Quilt top finish
- UFO: 2022 Bring Home the Tree – make 1 car block
- Long Arm: 2013 Fall quilt- quilt it
- Long Arm: Halloween Quilt – quilt it
- Long Arm: 2021 Sunshine Quilt- load it
- Cross Stitch FFO: Finish Let’s Talk Autumn Pillow
- Cross Stitch FFO: Start Autumn Basket pillows x 3

I decided to prune down my list and we will see how that works for me. Mostly the categories where I am not getting much done recently.
- SAL: 2024 SJ Temperature Cottage Quilt: Finish November Cottage. Start the December Cottage.
- SAL: 2024 December Monthly Color Challenge Block
- SAL: 2024 Venti AG Sunprint FPP quilt – Assemble Rows 3,4,&5. Assemble Sections 1/2, 3/4/5, 6/ 7. Cut border.
- SAL: 2024 TP Dragonfruit FPP QAL: Finish Mo 2. Start Mo 3.
- EPP: Farmers Wife 1920: Finish Block 48
- EPP: Ruby’s Garden: start Block 25
- Applique: Finish Blooming Snowflakes
- Applique: Work on Teeny Tiny Elephant
- Applique: Start Year in Words Valentine
- Small Project: Finish Patriotic tablerunner
- UFO: 2022 Bring Home the Tree – make 4 car blocks
- Long Arm: 2021 Sunshine quilt- quilt it
- Cross Stitch FFO: Finish Let’s Talk Autumn Pillow
This Week

For this week, I only have a few days home before leaving on my roadtrip. So here is what I hope to do:
- Cut the blocks from the strip sets previously sewn for Steven’s quilt
- Finish sewing Dragonfruit Month 2 blocks – Kiwi
- Trim and tear papers from all dragonfruit blocks so I can assemble the 4 corner sections of the Dragonfruit QAL
- Trim and tear papers from the Venti quilt blocks so I can assemble Rows 3, 4, & 5
- Finish November Temperature Cottage
- Work on Farmers Wife Blk #48 while I am gone

I had some happy mail this week and I had so much fun playing with this fabric. I just love this collection especially the “Canvas” prints. I am so glad she expanded the color pallette with this print. I used the dark gold in my cottage project and now I have nine more colors to combine with the existing three. Just love them. Awesome blenders. Now I just need to figure out a project for them. Maybe I will use them in the Bringing Home the Tree project car blocks. That could be really cool.
That’s all I have to share this week. Enjoy your week and I am sending you positive productive vibes!
Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California
Looks like Nala has been very busy. Love seeing what she has been up to. 🙂 The teeny elephant project looks quite interesting and fun. Have a safe and happy trip!