To Do Tuesday #111

Welcome back to this week’s edition of To Do Tuesday where I share all the quilty projects I worked on this week. We had a very pleasant weekend and the week has been fall weather.

I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday linkup. Come join us.

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To Do Tuesday #110

Hello from Redding, California! It was over 100F yesterday when I got here. Today is expected to be cooler at 94F. LOL! I am looking forward to going to Lassen Volcanic National Park tomorrow. I went last fall but only had time to see half of what I wanted. The park is generally cooler than Redding because you are in the mountains. Can’t wait!

I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come check it out.

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To Do Tuesday #109

Welcome back! Today will be toasty as we once again hit over 90F. The rest of the week is warming up. I am sure September will have a few more of those for us before it is all over and Fall settles in. It is amazing how different my perspective about the temp is in September versus July. 😝

Plan to link up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come over and check it out!

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To Do Tuesday #108

Hi Everyone!

This last week we had gorgeous Faux Fall weather and I loved every minute of it. Yesterday and today we are back to summer with today hitting a high of 91 so far. We haven’t even gotten to the hottest part of the day. While I prefer Fall weather, I am going to enjoy these final sparks of summer. We are feeling pretty lucky here in Northern California to only have a few wildfires so far this year. Our neighbors to the north (Washington and Oregon) are not so lucky. The air quality is very poor. Sending rain thoughts their way.

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To Do Tuesday #106

Welcome to this week’s edition of To Do Tuesday where I will be sharing what quilty things I worked on this week. Yesterday was a Quilt Zoom day with some of my friends. I picked up where I left off from the Lake Tahoe Quilt Retreat last month.

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To Do Tuesday #105

It sure has been nice to be home this week. I have been catching up on household chores and enjoying my sewing room. The weather has been perfect. Not too hot. Not too cool.

I plan on linking up with Carol Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come joing us.

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To Do Tuesday #102

Welcome to this week’s update of all things quilty that I have worked on for the past seven days. I have slowly readjusted to being home. Still feeling a little scattered but working in my sewing room for a few days has gone a long way to settling me down.

The biggest relief is the heat. We finally came out of the heatwave over the weekend and it has been a pleasant 75-80F each day. I don’t have to wait until almost midnight to take my 30 minute walk now. Although, I do find it refreshing to walk before I go to bed and get the blood moving.

I will be linking up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Please check out her blog.

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To Do Tuesday #94

Hello from Seattle! I meet the German In-Laws. As expected everyone was very nice. They have a packed schedule trying to squeeze in as much as possible in their trip. I gave them the potholders that I finished hours before boarding the train on Friday (😂). They seemed to be a hit. I got German chocolate in return from their hometown. I haven’t tried it yet, but I do love chocolate.

The plan is to linkup with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt this week.

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To Do Tuesday #93

Hello Everyone! The sun is out and shining here after a weekend of rain. Love the clear blue skies. I am running around like a chicken with their head cut off as I am preparing for Amtrak trip to Seattle to meet my daughter’s future in laws. We were chatting and the mom really liked the quilt I had given her son and the other quilts that my daughter has of mine. She even asked if she could have one. I asked Caitlin should I bring one? She said they didn’t have room to get it home so probably not. So I sit here wondering should I take one anyway just in case? Should I make something small like potholders? Decisions. Decisions. I leave in 3 days. Whew!

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To Do Tuesday #91

Welcome to this week of To Do Tuesday where I will share all of my quilty goodness that I worked on last week and what I hope to accomplish this week. I plan to link up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt. Jump over and check out her site and her To Do Tuesday linkup.

To Do Tuesday
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