To Do Tuesday #133

Hello from Vancouver, Washington. Thanks for stopping by and checking out all my quilty projects. Didn’t work on as many things this week but still spent a few minutes each day working on something.

I will be linking up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday linkup. Check it out.

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To Do Tuesday #132

Welcome back! Yesterday was a Quilt Zoom day so I worked on my Dragonfruit BOM and can’t wait to share with you. Overall a fairly productive week working again in small increments on various projects.

I will be linking up with Carol Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come join us!

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To Do Tuesday #122

Welcome to December! Just 22 days until Christmas. For those of you working on handmade projects, good luck!

I have been getting ready for my upcoming to trip to Vancouver, Washington. It looks like the weather will be cooperative which is nice. Made a list of everything that I need to do before I go and the things I need to take for my daughter Caitlin. I haven’t seen her since July so I am looking forward to seeing her in person and spending a little mother-daughter time together while her fiancee is on a work trip.

I will be linking up with Carol at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Join us!

Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #122”

To Do Tuesday #120

How is everyone this week? Hope you are all having a good November. Fall is finally really here in California. Rumor has it that we will be having significant storms this week. I forgot what they call them, but sounds crazy fun.

As usual, I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt in British Columbia for To Do Tuesday. I heard that they got slammed by winter storms this past week. Hopefully our northern friends are all doing well. See the link below to join us where we share our goals for the upcoming week and share what we did get done. People have some great projects. I get lots of inspiration from checking them out.

I had two Quilty Zoom days this week but was sick most of the week. If it wasn’t for the quilty days and me dragging my butt out of bed for that, I probably wouldn’t have gotten anything done. I am thrilled to be able to share with you what I did work on.

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To Do Tuesday #118

Election Day! Make sure you vote today. It’s a Presidential Election year! Can’t believe we are in November already. Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. Crazy.

I will be linking up with Carol over at QuiltSchmilt again this week for the To Do Tuesday linkup where we share what we are working on and this week’s to do list.

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To Do Tuesday #117

Can you believe it is the last week of October and Halloween is on Thursday? The holiday season will be upon us after that! Crazy 🤪

To Do Tuesday

I am be joining Carol who is hosting the To Do Tuesday Linkup. Come join us!

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To Do Tuesday #116

How is everyone doing this week? Can you believe we are in the third week of October already. We have a beautiful fall day here in San Jose. They are expecting rain next week which hopefully happens so that maybe the fire season will be over.

To Do Tuesday

I will be linking up with Carol @ QuiltSchmilt for To Do Tuesday. I realized I forgot to put the link in last week. See above if you need it. Come join us.

Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #116”

To Do Tuesday #95

Hi Everyone! We are having a beautiful spring day here in San Jose. It is the high 70’s here and so pleasant with a blue sky. I am enjoying every minute of it. I visited my sister Dorothy in Modesto, California which can be very hot, but instead it was a beautiful day which we spent most of in her backyard. I loved the visit.

Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #95”

To Do Tuesday #92

Can you say road trip?! I got back last night from a road trip to Paso Robles, California. Such a fun area. I enjoyed every moment.

It was super fun to hang with old colleagues as we celebrated the life of Spencer Keiser another friend and colleague.

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To Do Tuesday #90

Welcome Back! Once again I will be linking this post with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt. Thank you Carol for hosting To Do Tuesday! If you have not already, come join us or just take a look around at all the great projects. While most of the projects are quilty, they can be anything.

To Do Tuesday
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