Wow! This will be my last post of 2024. It has been an eventful year with lots of projects and even some finishes. Check out my 2024 Finish page here. While I have not achieved everything I set my eyes on, I am pleased with how much really got done. This weekly post helps keep me on track and accountable to myself by putting it out there. So let’s take a look at what I worked on this week.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #126”Tag: FPP
To Do Tuesday #125
Happy Holidays to everyone! 2024 is quickly closing on us with just a week left. Been a quite week but had a lot of appointments. I never quite got into my sewing mojo this past week but I did the 15 minutes a day to help me over the hump.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #125”To Do Tuesday #121
Welcome to another edition of quilty goodness. I found myself in the sewing studio a few times this week after spending time in the cutting room. It is hard to believe that I got as much as I did done. On non-quilty zoom weeks, progress tends to be limited, but not bad for this week.
As usual I will be linking up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come check it out and get some inspiration. Even better, join us!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #121”To Do Tuesday #119
Hi Everyone! Welcome back to Quilty Update. Happy to have got to spend some time in the sewing studio this week. While I was super optomistic in my expectations, I am happy with the results.
Just a reminder that I will be linking up with To Do Tuesday hosted by Carol at Quilt Schmilt. Link below. Come take a look or even better, join us.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #119”To Do Tuesday #116
How is everyone doing this week? Can you believe we are in the third week of October already. We have a beautiful fall day here in San Jose. They are expecting rain next week which hopefully happens so that maybe the fire season will be over.

I will be linking up with Carol @ QuiltSchmilt for To Do Tuesday. I realized I forgot to put the link in last week. See above if you need it. Come join us.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #116”To Do Tuesday #115
Hello Fall! Love this time of the year! While we do get the trees turning colors, it is just not as much as when I use to live back East. Love all those yellows, golds, oranges, and reds. So fun! The neighborhood is slowly being fully decorated for Halloween. 👻 My neighbors can be so inventive. I have really been enjoying my daily walks.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #115”To Do Tuesday #113
Hi Everyone! Today is the first day of October. It is hard to believe we are in the last quarter of 2024. It just seems like yesterday I was thinking about all the things I wanted to do this year. LOL! I may have not done everything, but I have been busy.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #113”To Do Tuesday #110
Hello from Redding, California! It was over 100F yesterday when I got here. Today is expected to be cooler at 94F. LOL! I am looking forward to going to Lassen Volcanic National Park tomorrow. I went last fall but only had time to see half of what I wanted. The park is generally cooler than Redding because you are in the mountains. Can’t wait!
I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come check it out.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #110”To Do Tuesday #104
Hello Everyone! I am back from the quilt retreat. Whew! What fun we had at beautiful Lake Tahoe, Nevada. There was 26 of us from all over the United States. The quilter who traveled the fartherest was from Wisconsin. Lots of quilting and games was had every day along with lots of food and wine.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #104”Quilt Diary: Online Quilt Festivals?
I just attended my first Online Quilt Festival with Mancuso. They ran a Facebook Live all day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Everything was based in the Eastern Time Zone which was a problem for me but I know they were doing the best they could. I had planned on spending time on Friday checking everything out before my class on Saturday. The day ended up getting away from me and I didn’t actually do any of the normal things. Hopefully someone out there can give more details on how it works.
My class today was good. I actually stayed up better. How much of that was because I was in my own sewing studio and didn’t have to borrow something I forgot and how much of that I wasn’t walking around the classroom looking at everyone’s stuff, I can’t say for sure. Zoom sure did allow everyone to see what the teacher is doing without peeking over a shoulder here or a head there. Overall, I thought it went very well. I took the Hunter’s Star class with Quilt Maven Dave Sirota. I took a class using his technique a few years ago but I felt more stuck this time. I just wish I didn’t have to get up at 5:30am my time to do. Still, well worth it.