Floss Friday #50

Wow! 50 posts on cross stitch only. It has been a fun journey for sure. This upcoming weekend is WIPGO weekend where I will be working on my active WIPGO projects only.

Starts & Finishes

I only planned on two starts this week but decided to throw in a third. Check it out!

START: Honey of a Tiny Town by Heart in Hand
Honey of a Tiny Town Start

I finally settled on this being my next Tiny Town since I had fabric that would work. It is a little darker than I would like but so far so good. I used 16 ct dirty aida using the called for DMC, Weeks Dye Works, and Classic Colorworks. I didn’t have all the WDW so that is on order but I was still able to get a nice start on this cute little town.

START: Summer Baskets #3 by Hands on Design
Start of Summer Baskets #3

This is the last chart in the series of 3. I am excited that I have started this final chart. Looking at the chart it looks pretty complicated. I am taking it one color at a time right now, starting with light teal. I did not have a lot of time the night I started, but it is like righting a letter, just need to get some thread on the fabric.

START & FINISH: July Year of Celebration by Hands on Design

I absolutely adore these beautiful floss colors. I have loved each little stitch but I think this is one of my favorites. So simple and elegant.

WIP Updates

I did more quilting in the evenings this week then stitching which translates to not getting as far as I would like on current WIPS.

WIPGO Project: Let’s Talk Autumn (Framed) by Hands on Design
Let’s Talk Autumn Framed WIP July 13th

This was one of the those nights I wish I could have had more time. It didn’t help that I had to redo the wheels a couple of times before I got the stitches correct. I forced myself to work on it anyway. I felt it was important to pick up the needle even if it was only for 15 minutes (although I think I got in 60-90 minutes). The goal for July is to work on this five times during the month. So far, I have worked on it twice.

WIPGO Project: October Cottage of the Month by Country Cottage Needleworks
October Cottage of the Month WIP July 13th

I felt like I made good progress on this project but I had to unstitch a couple of times before I got it right. Not sure what my issue with counting was that night. Some nights are like that. The house is coming along nicely. The goal for this project is to work on five times in July and/or finish it. Things are looking pretty good after my second night for finishing this month.

Snowman Collector – The Needleworker by Cottage Garden Samplings
Snowman Collector – The Needleworker WIP July 13th

Since I didn’t get started on this one last week, I ended up working on this twice this week. The first time was finishing all the details in the upper body of the snowman and his hat. The second time was even easier because I was just filling in the white on the upper body. I keep wanting to hurry up so I can work on the rest of the series. Every time I pick up this project, I am fascinated with all the detail in the robe which I already stitched. Fun project!

June Truckin Along by Stitching with the Housewives
June Truckin Along WIP July 13th

These strawberries are a joy to stitch. Even though there are a lot of them, I definitely get a flow going with them. I wasn’t planning on stitching anything but the border but I couldn’t resist carrying the red and white on until I ran out. So you can see the beginnings of the chickens on the truck.

Upcoming Plans & Thoughts

While I still need to be in my sewing studio every day this month to work on my QAL, this weekend is WIPGO weekend so I have plans for the next four days of just working my my two unfinished WIPGO projects. This will be my first time participating with the weekend this year so I have to double check the intent for the weekend. Nevertheless, I am anticipating some significant progress on both projects to show you next week.

After finishing up with the 4 day weekend I have plans to work on:

  1. Prim Stitch
  2. Mr July (who I would love to finish this month)
  3. Fruit of Plenty for the second time this month
  4. For my June butterfly, getting the temps translated onto the butterfly and ready to stitch. Got the temps written down last night.

The weekend of July 21-23rd is #24hocsmarathon and I have it all planned out. I am trying a different strategy this time. I share more next week.

I thought I would take a moment to give you a cat update. Callie (my calico) has been very cuddly for the past month. I have a comfy chair in my bedroom and she likes to sleep on it or my bed. Obviously she prefers if I am in the bed or the chair with her. It has been nice to see her stop hiding under my bed all the time. She is a very sweet and loving cat.

Simba has been very needy recently. He wants me to hold and cuddle him at least once a day. Man he is a talker! He chats with me all the time. The little turd has been having me pick him up and put him on the sewing table when I am at the machine. There was a time when he jumped up there himself. For a three year old, he is needly.

Nala and me

Now Nala, she is my lady of mischief. She has been climbing in the patriotic fabric bin and dragging fabric all over the house. So she did assist in the fabric pull last weekend but last night she decided I needed to add more fabric to that pull as I found more fabric in the hallway upstairs outside my bedroom. LOL!

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. We have another heat advisory starting today for the weekend. I am thankful the HVAC guy finally made it to the house to fix the AC this morning! Yea JP!

Peggy Stockwell

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