Hi Everyone! Just touching base with everyone with this week’s update on all my quilty projects. Hope this is a good winter day for all of you. Weather here in San Jose has been all over the place. Blizzards one day. 70F another. Just crazy. Here in San Jose we just got alot of rain. Today is a little overcast but I am seeing peeks of blue skies.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #85”Tag: Sweet Childhood Memories
To Do Tuesday #84
I missed all of you last week but I really didn’t have anything to share as I was off on vacation. Had a great time. I shared some with my Friday Floss post so check it out if you want to know more.

I will be linking up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt this week for To Do Tuesday Linkup party. Join us!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #84”To Do Tuesday #82
It is time for this weeks update on my quilty projects. Here in San Jose we survived a very vicious storm. It has been two days since it passed through San Jose and people are still without power. I feel fortunate that I never lost power. Yesterday I drove through town what should have been a 15 minute drive that took me an hour due to lights out, streets blocked by down power lines and trees, and of course, crews trying to clean up the storm damage. I am counting my blessings and am glad that everyone is safe.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #82”To Do Tuesday #81
Welcome everyone to this week’s update of my quilty projects. It has been a busy week with me getting home Thursday night. Saw a few houses in Gardenerville, NV so I have more of a feel for what is out there as well as what I am looking for. Beautiful area. I am way ahead of schedule of when I would want to move out of California so this should be fun looking for that forever home.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #81”To Do Tuesday #80
Hi Everyone! Welcome to another Tuesday. I am off on a roadtrip this week. I was able to get a few things done. I am here in Nevada visiting a friend of mine and looking around at houses. A move is in my future.

To Do Tuesday #78
Hi Everyone! I am pleased to share with you everything that got done this week. I will be linking up with Carol at Quilt Schmilt this week for To Do Tuesday. Please make sure you stop by and see all the cool projects that everyone is working on.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #78”To Do Tuesday #69
Hi Everyone! Can’t believe there is only a few months left of 2023. Wow! The year has flown by just like this week. I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt again this week. Let’s get to it!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #69”To Do Tuesday #68
Happy Halloween Everyone! Hope you had a very productive week. Me not so much. I had two sewing machines in the shop as well as my truck. I felt very disconnected all week although I had plenty of hand work or long arm work to do. Just not in the groove for the week. LOL! Why do we always want to use what we don’t have?
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #68”To Do Tuesday #64
Hello Quilters! Welcome to another edition of To Do Tuesday where I am linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt. Check it out!

To Do Tuesday #63
Happy Tuesday everyone! Hope you had a great week. It’s hard to believe we are in the last week of September. We have had a great Fall so far. Sunny most days and in the 70’s. This is one of my favorite times of the year when it comes to weather. Sunny and warm, but not too hot or cold. Love it. Here in California we don’t have the same changing of the leaves that most places in the US have. Normally the hills would be brown. This year they are still green! Just love it.
I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt. Thank you Carol for hosting the linkup for To Do Tuesday!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #63”