To Do Tuesday #135

Welcome to this week’s quilty addition of To Do Tuesday. Only got one good day in this week which is more than I have had for several weeks. Let’s take a look.

I will be linking up with Carol @ QuiltSchmilt for To Do Tuesday

To Do Tuesday
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To Do Tuesday #132

Welcome back! Yesterday was a Quilt Zoom day so I worked on my Dragonfruit BOM and can’t wait to share with you. Overall a fairly productive week working again in small increments on various projects.

I will be linking up with Carol Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come join us!

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To Do Tuesday #96

We had a gorgeous Memorial Day Weekend where we remembered our veterans ~ those who lost their lives here and abroad in defense of this great country we live in. Thank you for your service. I appreciate my freedom with every breath I take. You are remembered!

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To Do Tuesday #88

Happy Easter! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! It was a gorgeous day on Sunday while Saturday was thunderstorms. It is definitely Spring Time! I am planning on linking up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Jump over to her website and take a look.

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To Do Tuesday #87

Hi Everyone! This don’t have much this week. I have been very busy working on my homework for my online course with Bonnie Christine – Immersion 2024 for Surface Pattern Design.

I will be linking up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday this week. Check out her website and the linkup. Some great projects are shared.

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To Do Tuesday #52

Happy 4th of July! The heatwave in San Jose finally broke and we will be having a cool day of only 84 F here. It’s a relief after the 100 degree temperatures we had over the past week. I am not complaining because I know that we have a “dry” heat here compared to other parts of the country. At least when I step outside the house, I am not soaking wet immediately due to the humidity. I am truly grateful for that.

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To Do Tuesday #51

Welcome back to this week’s edition of To Do Tuesday hosted by Carol @ Quilt Schmilt.

To Do Tuesday
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2022 New Year … New Goals

It’s been a while since I posted anything. The past summer found me on the road more than not. Once again, I had computer issues again so here we are more than six months later. I had to switch over to my laptop as Word Press is no longer working on my iPad which makes it a challenging process for sure.

Long Arm Goals for 2022

During 2021 I retired and purchased myself a new long arm machine. It took forever to be delivered and when it was finally delivered, I ended up on the road for six weeks. I got home and I finally did my first quilt. Then Gammill changed the distribution and consumer channels so that means I had no one locally to get help from.

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Finish-A-Long DIARY: Qtr 2 2021

It’s hard to believe that another quarter has flown by. I had 28 projects on my list for second quarter of 2021. I finished four of those. They all happened to be applique projects but they are in use already and look beautiful. Let’s take a look!

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