I ended up stretching Stitchtober all the way to November 30th as I tried to finish my last two starts. Unfortunately, I began resenting working on Halloween and Fall projects so it was time to set the remainder projects aside for 2021.
I wanted to start off with all of my stitchy finishes because that is always exciting. Here we go!
FINISH: 2020 HALLOWEEN MIX & MATCH with Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet and Fat Quarter Shop

I absolutely loved this 14ct Provence Fabric Flair fabric and I believe this project was enhanced with this mottled lavendar/purple fabric. This project was stitched with DMC threads with two different shades of green, orange, magenta purples,and yellows. I also had black, white, and brown thread. Most of the time I used called for, but if I didn’t have it, I subsituted what I had in my stash. I also didn’t have one of the patterns called for in the free layout that Fat Quarter Shop posted. It was the left quilt block. I pulled that from another project that I will be stitching in the future. The border was a lot of fun to stitch!

This is the first in the series being designed this 2020-2021 called Calendar Gnomes. You can get it with the month or without the words. I happen to like it with the words. I stitched on Mushroom 28ct evenweave and loved it. All the colors are seeable even the white. I used called for threads of Classic Colorworks and DMC. The orange she used was my favorite orange of the season! It was CCW – Lobster Claw. Just beautiful thread and color. You can find the patterns in her Etsy shop- Charlie’s Needle.
FINISH: COTTAGE OF THE MONTH – NOVEMBER by Country Cottage Needleworks

This design was a delight to stitch on 28 ct Lambswool Linen. It was my first time stitching on Linen. While it was different, it was not hard (except for those moments I wasn’t paying attention). Each thread (and/or hole) are not the same size. This is an uneven weave cloth. I used the called for threads from Classic Colorworks, Gentle Arts, and DMC. It is a very lovely home and pretty easy stitch.
I made a serious effort to try and finish up my last two October starts by the end of November. Both projects were just two big with all the starts I had in October.
FRIGHT NIGHT SAL by Fat Quarter Shop

One would hope that I would sneak this one in before next year, but definitely no guarantees. I need to finish the house and tree. The house just needs to fill in black. The ghost is still adorable. I used the other half of my 14ct Provence Fabric Flair for this project and I think it looks fabulous.

This one has a lot left to do – pumpkins, sunflowers, and sign. While I loved stitching on this very fall project, it doesn’t seem to be bothering me that I set it aside. Until 2021….
My original plan was to pick up the two projects I set aside when I started Stitchtober and then to start only 5 new projects in December. I had even planned for them to be only Stitching with the Housewives patterns. I ended up opting out of the Jolly Housewives stitching because there was just too many other things I wanted to do including three unplanned December projects. LOL!
Back on SNOW VILLAGE by Country Cottage Needleworks

Getting back in my grove with one of my favorite patterns (who doesn’t love snowmen) with start of my second “block”. Shown here is the snow on the ground of the Peppermint Parlor block and the Snowman from the SnowFlake Stand block.
Back on PRIM STITCH SERIES by Lori Holt

It took me a few minutes to figure out where I left off on this block. Then I got in the grove and finished up the angel the first night and the cherry and flower tops the second night. I am looking forward to catching up on this one. I have 4,5,& 6 to do. Fun!
START: COTTAGE OF THE MONTH – DECEMBER by Country Cottage Needleworks

I was clipping along on this one until I got to the “b”. That’s when I realized I started December half a branch to far to the left. LOL! So next time, I will be unstitching and restitching December. I am amazed at how easy it is to unstitch with Linen though.
START: DECEMBER TRUCKIN ALONG by Stitching with the Housewives

I just love the string of lights – fast, easy, and festive! This one feels like it will move along pretty quickly. Can’t wait until I work on it again here this week.
START: WINTER CAMPER by Bobbie G Designs

I originally purchased this kit back in May when I was looking for something else to do. I ordered this kit and three others for my foray back into cross stitch in over 15 years. I ended up only starting two of the four at that time. Because this was a winter one it definitely got set aside. I am looking forward to doing this one. I’ve been meaning to either make a stitch or quilt pattern with a camper for my sister who is very into trailer camping.
The above picture is the sky background in blue half stitches.

The problem with most of these starts is that I am starting with the snow which is so boring. While I was tempted to do Mr. November, I just couldn’t do it. I had to start with Mr. December. These gnomes are so adorable. Last one was slow to evolve but when it finally does, it is fabulous.

I wasn’t originally going to stitch this one but ended up throwing this in for my fifth new start for December. I started in the bottom right hand quarter because it was easier to start there. It means that I have finished the 25th of December first. I am travelling up the right hand side until I get to the top. The white and ecru don’t really contrast as much as I hoped.
Starting Soon: SHABBY WINTER CALENDAR by Cuore e Batticuore

I have been drooling over this one for weeks as I have been watching fellow IG friends work on it. I finally bit the bullet and ordered the pattern and thread. I was going to do this instead of the Christmas Calendar above, but I was missing some thread and did not have the right fabric in my stash because this really needs to be stitched on a smaller count because it is so big.
I am happy with fabric pick. I have some more prep work to do, then I will be starting this beautiful project.
Starting Soon: SANTA BABY Stitch Quarterly by Fat Quarter Shop

This was not on my planned list of stitcheries for this month. Who can resist old time Santa on such gorgeous fabric. It is going to look spectacular. Can’t wait to get started!

Who can resist a free stitchalong? Not me! I haven’t actually started yet because I have spent the last few days pulling threads and then selecting a fabric. I just need to prep the fabric and then stitching can being. Meanwhile, everyday, I download the next chart for stitching from It will be free and available through end of December. After that, you can purchase it if you want to do it.
While I may not have planned on working on this many cross stitch projects, I can’t imagine not doing any of them. I know that in the next few weeks, I have will have the first installment in two year long clubs and they will get thrown into the mix – Snap Shot on 10ct and Country Cottages Sampler of the Month on 16ct.
I am getting in a lot of Hallmark movies most nights because sports are still on hiatus. I have watched more TV these past few months then in the past 10 years. I am seriously getting bored with TV. I need something else to watch besides happy endings and super heros.
Have a great week. Stay safe and healthy.