Happy Valentine’s Day!

Welcome back everyone! How many of you watched the Super Bowl on Sunday? Or was that a great time for you to disappear into your sewing room undisturbed. I am a sports fanatic so even though I am not big into football (especially when my 49ers were eliminated by the Eagles the prior week), I did have it on while I tootled around the house. It turned out to be a great week for me!
I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt in Canada.

What Got Done This Week!
I am very excited with how this week went. I was able to finish two projects – my first for 2023!
- Finished my March Table Runner that was started in 2022!
- Finished Blooming Daffodils which was started in 2021 but all the applique kits were misplaced so this one has been hanging out waiting for me to find the backing and binding material. Finally found that a couple of weeks ago and worked in this finish on Saturday (quilted) and Sunday (bound).
- Finally finished all eight quilt blocks from week 3 of Tula Pink’s Butterfly Quilt for the SAL with Pat Sloan.
- Finished my second Leaders & Enders block.
- Finished Block 21 of Lost & Found English Paper Pieced Quilt.
- Finished Scrappiness is Happiness Block 11.

To Do List #38 (February 14th – February 27th)
While I will only have a few days at home this week, I always want to leave myself with possibilities. I just don’t like being hemmed in with restrictive lists. Lol! Some of you get overwhelmed by long list. I see them as roads I can take today.
- Quilt Mama Gypsy! Top of my list. Hoping I will have time to focus on this but I am not going to be stressed out about it one way or the other. I look forward to my first quilt finish of 2023. (Jan APQ project)
- Assemble the Love Note Potholders and layer them!
- Quilt Love Note Potholders
- Sew Scrappiness Is Happiness blocks 12
- Cut Sweet Childhood Memories blocks 4 & 5
- Assemble White Hawaiian Row 9
- Assemble Churn Dash rows 3 & 4
- Sew February Monthly Color Challenge block
- Cut borders for Rainbow Half Square Triangle quilt (Feb APQ project)
- Start Ruby’s Garden block #23
- Do laundry for trip
- Pack for Arizona!

Wrap Up
While I don’t expect to make a dent in the list this week, I am happy to have choices for this upcoming week. It is going to be a busy weekend in Phoenix. We couldn’t get a flight out (for a decent price) on Monday, so we are coming home next Tuesday. Shaun was originally going to go to Disneyland for his February break, but due to how well the team is doing this year, that pleasure is no longer an option.
One thing I have noticed over the years, people do not understand the sacrifice someone makes for success they may have. Most only see the rewards not the hard work. I almost hate hearing the words “You are so lucky”. I strongly believe we make our own luck by being willing to sacrifice what others won’t. There isn’t luck, just belief in our selves and the willingness to take opportunities when available.
I am getting better at not comparing myself to others. My life and circumstances are different than yours. My choices are different. I find great pleasure in the pressure and love having a long list to choose from.
I hope everyone enjoys their Valentine Day whether you have someone special to share it with or just yourself like me. Treat your self to something special today. Don’t wait around for someone else to do it. Me? I am getting a foot massage today and jumping into a new workshop to learn something new!

Happy Valentine’s Day.
Thank you very much for taking the time to stop by and look around. Hopefully you found one little thing that either helps you or inspires you!
Peggy Stockwell
Hi Peggy. Congratulations on finishing two UFO’s and so many other projects getting some advancement. Like you I like a longer list so I have options whether I am at home or the studio. Yes, the two people in my household watched the Super Bowl game. Being Canadian it’s more fun to watch the game since we try to not have favourite teams. I hope you are having a good time in Arizona and managed to get some progress on your inspiring list. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.
Look at all those pretty finishes! Congratulations, and I especially love that March table runner, such pretty greens. Nala looks very content. Don’t our kitties always love the ironing area? And the cutting area, and the sewing machine, etc. I agree with you about “luck” – true luck doesn’t happen very often. Enjoy the rest of your week Peggy!
Watching the game, or not. I wanted to text a friend but knew she was watching, so I turned it on just to see the score. Tied at that point. Lists with open options, that’s a great way to work through projects. I have an on going list of quilts I hope to make for charity. I pick one as the mood hits.
I like the idea of a long list that you can pick and choose from as you feel like it. I have been watching Pat Sloan to the butterfly quilt although I am not making it. Likewise with the Scrappiness is Happiness. I have to put the brakes on some places! Love your daffodil quilt, will be all ready for your Spring.