To Do Tuesday #112

Hi Everyone! I am flabbergasted that we are already into the last week of September. It just seems like yesterday that it was August. We have another hot one here in San Jose. Probably out last 90F+ day here in the Bay.

I wasn’t feeling very quilty this week and barely got any time in the sewing studio until yesterday when I forced myself to spend the day. Amazing enough, I had no cat companions in the sewing room until late afternoon. It is amazing how much more you can get done without fur babies interfering.

To Do Tuesday

As usual I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come join us!

Under the Needle Last Week 🪡🧵

Almost everything I did was from yesterday, but I did get a few pockets of time this week. Let’s take a look at what happened yesterday.

  1. I started quilting On Wander Lane – Bunny Knoll. I finished up the stitch in the ditch for all the normal quilt blocks as well as basting down the border. I just have the border and the house block left to quilt. This was a block of the month from Shabby Fabrics. Each month is a full 15 page leaflet with many projects. I have made each month into an individual wall hanging versus blocks for a full quilt.
  2. For my Cross Stitch FFO ~ Let’s Talk Autumn, I quilted the 81 patch block cross hatched per the finishing instructions. Need to wash it. Trying to figure out if I am supposed to hand wash or machine wash. 🥹 This is a Hands on Design project.
  3. Added another 6 days to my September Temperature cottage with Sept 13th-18th. September cottage is turning out very colorful. The Temperature Cottage is a free pattern from Fat Quarter Shop
  4. I finished up my second set of 4 Daydreamer blocks. I just love those butterflies. They are so colorful. This pattern is from Pat Sloan’s I love Quilts page and is the March Block of the Day 2023 pattern.
  5. I was pleased to finish assembling the last two rows (9 & 10) of the 2023 100 days 100 blocks. I am excited because I just have to assemble rows 7-10 then attach to rows 1-6 and the top will be done. This particular quilt has no borders.
  6. Finally finished the last of 12 foundation paper pieced (FPP) log cabin blocks for my AG Venti Sunprint FPP quilt. I then spent an hour ironing, trimming, and pulling the paper out of all 12 blocks plus the Center block of the quilt which I also made in September. This quilt pattern is a modified version of a free quilt pattern from Fat Quarter Shop called Petit Four.

I ended up prepping my FPP blocks for October while I had the project open. I will be doing 4 Economy blocks and 4 Courthouse blocks. The plan is to assemble Rows 1, 2, 6, & 7 in October. I can’t believe how quickly this quilt is coming along.

National Jelly Roll Day

For National Jelly Roll day, I ended up planning and starting a new quilt for my oldest child, Steven. I made a quilt for him a long time ago, but when he moved out he didn’t want to take it because it wasn’t the right color. 🙄

He is a big San Jose Sharks fan and I found these two jelly rolls in my stash that are close enough to Sharks colors although I am not sure he will appreciate the flowery print. 😂. If he doesn’t like it, I will!

I spent a lot of time planning this out in Electric Quilt 8. the border isn’t exactly what I am thinking but it is close enough for the plan. So far I sorted all the strips into strip sets of 5. Each strip set will make 4 ten inch blocks. I have 8 done already.

Top September Goals Update 🔝

On Wander Lane: Bunny Knoll quilted Tulip & Uneven 9 patch blocks

I didn’t finish anything on my top goals list. I worked too many things not even on the September goal list at all. 😝 Can you say 🐿️? I did work the list. Let’s take a look at what is left to do this coming week.

  1. SAL: 2023 100 days 100 blocks ~ Finish assembling top
  2. * EPP: Lost & Found ~ sash 6 blocks
  3. EPP: Queen of Diamonds ~ Finish Block 3-1
  4. EPP: 1920 Farmers Wife ~ Start Block 48
  5. * UFO: 2020 Meadowland ~ assemble center
  6. * Applique: On Wander Lane ~ Finish Bunny Knoll
  7. Applique: Backdoor Banners ~ start September
  8. Applique: Gnome is where the Heart is ~ start January
  9. Small project: Patriotic table runner ~ finish
  10. * Long Arm: 2021 Sunshine ~ quilt it
  11. Long Arm: Halloween quilt ~ quilt it
  12. Long Arm: 2013 Fall quilt – load it

✔️ is completed and * is #1 priority for the category in September. We are starting with a total of 15 “top 3” goals from most categories. As you can see, I worked towards these goals last week but also on things not on this list. I just can’t help myself. 😝 Check out the sidebar for a complete list of September goals.

I haven’t even touched any of my Top Three goals #sigh. Letting that go now.


On Wander Lane: Bunny Knoll quilted basket block

I have not had any quilting mojo recently, so instead I try to do at least 15 minutes a day so that I keep moving forward. Although….. after yesterday, I have high hopes of finishing Bunny Knoll and 2023 100 days 100 blocks.

I also hope to Final Finish my cross stitch pillow. I never know where to talk about these cross over projects. This one has appeared in both blogs.

Everyone have a great week and I wish you a fun and productive week!

Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California

3 thoughts on “To Do Tuesday #112”

  1. Bunny Knoll is beautiful! I hope Steven likes the quilt. He reminds me of me. In our early married life, Mom gave me the quilts that Granny had quilted. I loved them, but I kept them in a drawer or closet for years, only getting them out if someone needed extra warmth at night because they didn’t fit my decor. Good grief! Now I use them and appreciate them. I hope your hot weather dissipates soon. It’s time for fall weather!

  2. On Wonder Lane Bunny Knoll is cute! Just keep showing up in whatever capacity you can!! You’ll get there!!

    Almost a full day without interference (cat-er-ference 😹)!! Although we love pics of Inspectors Nala and Simba!

    Loving the Jelly Roll design and colors for Steven’s quilt and the 2023 100 blocks quilt!

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