Welcome to this week’s edition of To Do Tuesday where I will be sharing what quilty things I worked on this week. Yesterday was a Quilt Zoom day with some of my friends. I picked up where I left off from the Lake Tahoe Quilt Retreat last month.

The plan is to link up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come join us.
Under the Needle Last Week

Same as last week, most of my time was spent working on my 2018 Batik 100 days 100 blocks quilt. I finished assembling the center and cutting the border. I am loving how it turned out. Nala and I sat and admired it for a good 15 minutes!

I had a few more wins this week as well.
- During Quilt Zoom Day I finished 4 Snail Trail blocks. I need a total of 8 of this colorway. (Using Alison Glass 2024 Sunprints and free pattern from Fat Quarter Shop)
- I quilted Blooming Pointsettas. Made the binding and then attached it. Just need to finish. (From Shabby Fabrics)
- Finished Ruby Garden block #24! (Using Lori Holt fabric and free pattern from paperpieces.com)
- Finished all 4 of this Daydreamer block. Tula Pink fabric is so bright and cheerful. (Free pattern from Pat Sloan)
- Start of Farmer’s Wife 1920 block #47 – Homemaker with Alison Glass fabric
- Start of my August Tmperature Cottage (free pattern from Fat Quarter Shop and Alison Glass Chrysanthemum collection)
I also spent a lot of time on EQ8 working on the borders for my 2022 Tula Pink Tiny Beast ufo quilt for August. I am pretty sure I don’t have to buy any fabric to finish the front (and maybe not even the back). I thought I had it all figured out and printed it out. I set it aside a few days ago so I could continue working on my 2018 100 days quilt. Now I am having second thoughts on my borders. #sigh.
Progress on August Goals

I am pretty happy with my progress on my top priority goals for this month.
- ✔️ 2024 Temperature Cottage Quilt ~ Finish July / Start August
- 2023 Batik 100 days 100 blocks ~ Assemble Top including borders
- 2023 AG Sunprint 100 days 100 blocks ~ Assemble rows
- 2019 AG Christmas 100 days 100 blocks ~ assemble backing
- *2022 TP Tiny Beast ~ Assemble Top including borders
- ✔️ Ruby’s Garden EPP ~ Finish block #24 including sashing
- ✔️ 1920 AG Farmers Wife EPP – Start Block #47
- 2023 TP Queen of Diamond EPP – Cut & glue baste March blocks / Start blk 3-1
- *Applique: Finsh Christmas Year in Words
- Applique: Finish Blooming Pointsettas
- Applique: Begin machine appliquing Bunny Knoll from On Wander Lane
- Finish Patriotic Table Runner
- *Quilt 2021 Sunshine Bed quilt
I tried to type out what ✔️ (completed) and * (project of the month) but wordpress tried to make it a list. #lol. This list started with 14 projects.

I have surprised myself this week with focusing on my priority list and not having too many squirrel 🐿️ moments. I defintely feel the pull often but I really do want to finish my 2018 quilt and my Pointsetta wall hanging. I am ready to tackle the projects of the month!
- 2021 Sunshine quilt
- 2022 Tula Pink Tiny Beast quilt
- A Year of Words: Christmas wall hanging.
I sat down this week to update my WIP list which I have not even looked at since first quarter of 2023. Here I was thinking I did so good not starting new projects these past few years. Reality hit me like a ton of bricks. 🧱 I started a lot of new projects each year since I retired in 2020. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but seeing it in black and white. Well…that was….enlightening.
I spent a good three hours on this WIP list and I don’t think I have everything still. To realize that many of the WIPs just need:
- Assemble blocks, or
- add borders, or
- simply quilt.
That list has 102 projects and a third of them fall in one of the above categories. Humbling indeed. Enough moping. Let’s look 👀 at the bright side of his equation. I could easily finish the 12 quilts I want to have for Christmas this year. Ready, set, go!
Have a great week everyone. Hope you can carve out some time for your creative happy space.
Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California