Hell0 my quilty friends! I meant to post last week but time got away from me. This week I will be linking up with Carol at Quilt Schmilt for this week’s To Do Tuesday linky party.

What Got Done These Past Two Weeks
I got a lot done but not as much as I hoped. I had meant to spend the weekend working on my long arm but I got derailed with dealing with the contractors who are fixing my leaky shower and subsequent damage as well as Shaun’s (my grandson) hockey camp /tournament. I also accepted a challenge (with my sister Dorothy) to walk at least 8000 steps every day this past weekend. I remember when that would have been easy peasy. Currently, that is a big push for me. Let’s see where I got these past two weeks.
- Quilted my Year in Words Flower wallhanging
- Finished appliquing and assembling the wall hanging from On Wander Lane series – Shamrock Ridge. I had to wait for a package from Fat Quarter Shop before I could add my borders. It arrived!
- Made May Monthly Color Challenge Block
- Finished sewing all 16 of my small log cabins for the Tula Pink Butterfly Quilt
- Made the templates needed for the curved blocks – Medium Pie, Large Wheel, & Small Wheel – for the Tula Pink Butterfly Quilt
- Made my Scrappiness is Happiness Twinkle Star block
- Did watch my long arm videos for oiling, changing needle, and threading machine.
- Worked on my EPP project Lost & Found – last block (#22). I got all of round 1 on and half of round 2 done.
- My new EPP Project – Queen of Diamonds arrived so I have cut and basted both Month 1 blocks.
- Finished cutting ALL the March Block of the Month blocks and clipped them together in groups of four.
- Used leftovers from MBOM and cut enough to make two potholder tops.

APQ Resolution 2023 Status Quo
- January – Mama Gypsy Quilt – ready to quilt
- February – Rainbow Half Square Triangle quilt – borders ready to be cut
- March – Tula Pink Tiny Beast Quilt – borders needed
- April – Rainbow Log Cabin – needs top and bottom borders
- May – Halloween Quilt – Ready to Quilt
- June – Princess Twin Quilt – Need backing. The one I have is too small.

To Do List for Week of May 30th
With contractors running in and out, it has been a bit disruptive but on the other hand, quilting has been my escape from all the chaos. Let’s take a look at the things I can work on this week.
- Finish Love Note potholders (either set)
- Bind Flowers Wall Hanging
- Add borders to On Wander Lane – Shamrock Ridge
- Finish making 4 March BOMs
- Cut block 15 and sashing (after making the fabric pull) for Section 1 of Sweet Childhood Memories quilt.
- Assemble block 15 of SCM and Section 1.
- Cut July 3rd & 4th of 365 block challenge
- In order to assemble Section 1 of the Tula Pink Butterfly Quilt, I need to cut and sew 2 Large Wheel blocks and 24 half square triangle blocks. Want to at least get the wheel block cut and a few of the HST blocks sewn.
- Sew the Apple block for Scrappiness is Happiness QAL
- Finish my final Lost & Found block 22.
- Start the Queen of Diamonds block 1-1.
- Purchase backing for the Princess Twin Quilt.
- Cut the both borders and binding for the Rainbow Half Square Triangle quilt.
- Load Mama Gypsy quilt on the long arm.
- Find scraps big enough to be backs of potholders made out of leftover Tula Pink scraps.
I ended up adding 5 starts to my WIPS – Queen of Diamonds and 4 sets of potholders. That is going to push my WIP count up to 95. I really need to knock out a few finishes. Maybe tomorrow – the last day of May….
Wrap Up
I had a very exciting day today. I signed up for an Adobe Illustrator online course with fabric designer Bonnie Christine at the beginning of 2023. With that signup, I won a one hour call with Alison Glass. As many of you know, she is my FAVORITE fabric designer. Today was that Zoom call! I was such a fan girl. It was a lovely hour and half call and we discussed fabric designs, children, road trips, quilting, etc. She is soooo sweet. I really enjoyed our call. I was suppose to have some of my designs ready so she could give me feedback, but I didn’t have any ready yet. She kindly said I could still send them to her whenever I finally finished them. I was floating on cloud 9 all day.

My mailbox produce some exciting hauls this past two weeks. I received my templates, paper pieces, fabrics, and pattern for the new Queen of Diamonds SAL that officially kicks off June 1st. Tula will be sewing along with us. I was impressed with the pattern book with all the details along with tips and tricks for fussy cutting and anything unquie for the shapes we are working with.

From Shabby Fabrics I also received the third month of On Wander Lane (OWL) – Blossom Trail. From Fat Quarter Shop I received the half yard bundle of Nancy Halvorsen Weave 2 and fat quarter bundle of On Wander Lane 2 as well as various yardage from the new collection. This will pair up nicely with the layer cakes and jelly roll I got from the original collection to use to make extra blocks for my individual wall hangings as well as borders and bindings. I already tell I will have tons of leftovers but that is okay. Each month’s pattern books include tons of bonus projects.
Good luck everyone on your projects this week! Until next time….
Peggy Stockwell
Peggy I am amazed at all you got done in a week. So many pretty photos of your WIP’s. It’s always fun to visit you and see your progress. Congrats on winning the call with Allison Glass. That must have been a blast. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.