To Do Tuesday #133

Hello from Vancouver, Washington. Thanks for stopping by and checking out all my quilty projects. Didn’t work on as many things this week but still spent a few minutes each day working on something.

I will be linking up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday linkup. Check it out.

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To Do Tuesday #132

Welcome back! Yesterday was a Quilt Zoom day so I worked on my Dragonfruit BOM and can’t wait to share with you. Overall a fairly productive week working again in small increments on various projects.

I will be linking up with Carol Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come join us!

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To Do Tuesday #130

Hello Everyone! I got to have a Quilty Friday this week and got quite a bit done. I look forward to sharing with all of you. As usual, I will be linking up with Carol from Quilty Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. See the link below:

To Do Tuesday
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To Do Tuesday #129

Welcome to this week’s edition of all things quilty! Not a bad week with all the distractions of life in full force. LOL!

I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come join us.

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To Do Tuesday #128

Wow! Sorry about the late post. It is actually Thursday I am working on this while backdating to Tuesday. It has been a crazy busy week with lots of appointments as well a Quilt Zoom Day on Monday.

I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday linky party. Check it out.

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To Do Tuesday #127

Goodbye 2024! Welcome 2025! A new year with overly ambitious plans as usual. We are off to a slow start but I did put together plans for January. I have not really thought about what I would like to accomplish in 2025 other than quilt & bind 12 quilts. I want to turn those quilt tops into finished quilts.

I will be linking up with Carol at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday link up. Thank you Carol for hosting.

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To Do Tuesday #126

Wow! This will be my last post of 2024. It has been an eventful year with lots of projects and even some finishes. Check out my 2024 Finish page here. While I have not achieved everything I set my eyes on, I am pleased with how much really got done. This weekly post helps keep me on track and accountable to myself by putting it out there. So let’s take a look at what I worked on this week.

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To Do Tuesday #124

Whoo Hoo! I am finally back home. I love traveling as much as I love being home. For once, I actually slept better on the road then in my own bed. I wonder if that has anything to do with the mattress topper I had delivered to my daughters? 😝

I rolled up at my house Sunday night about 9:30 pm after spending the day driving from Vancouver, Washington to San Jose, California. I did a side trip in Salem, Oregon for a two hour shopping spree and a half hour lunch break when I filled up gas for less than $3/gallon. 🏆

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To Do Tuesday #122

Welcome to December! Just 22 days until Christmas. For those of you working on handmade projects, good luck!

I have been getting ready for my upcoming to trip to Vancouver, Washington. It looks like the weather will be cooperative which is nice. Made a list of everything that I need to do before I go and the things I need to take for my daughter Caitlin. I haven’t seen her since July so I am looking forward to seeing her in person and spending a little mother-daughter time together while her fiancee is on a work trip.

I will be linking up with Carol at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Join us!

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To Do Tuesday #121

Welcome to another edition of quilty goodness. I found myself in the sewing studio a few times this week after spending time in the cutting room. It is hard to believe that I got as much as I did done. On non-quilty zoom weeks, progress tends to be limited, but not bad for this week.

As usual I will be linking up with Carol @ Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come check it out and get some inspiration. Even better, join us!

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