To Do Tuesday #109

Welcome back! Today will be toasty as we once again hit over 90F. The rest of the week is warming up. I am sure September will have a few more of those for us before it is all over and Fall settles in. It is amazing how different my perspective about the temp is in September versus July. 😝

Plan to link up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Come over and check it out!

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To Do Tuesday #108

Hi Everyone!

This last week we had gorgeous Faux Fall weather and I loved every minute of it. Yesterday and today we are back to summer with today hitting a high of 91 so far. We haven’t even gotten to the hottest part of the day. While I prefer Fall weather, I am going to enjoy these final sparks of summer. We are feeling pretty lucky here in Northern California to only have a few wildfires so far this year. Our neighbors to the north (Washington and Oregon) are not so lucky. The air quality is very poor. Sending rain thoughts their way.

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To Do Tuesday #107

Hello everyone! Today I will share with you all the things I worked on the past week as well as what I hope to work on this week. I recently have been working on cleaning up my WIP list of 102 projects. A few got checked off this week.

To Do Tuesday

Each Tuesday I link up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. The idea is to share projects you are working on and what you plan to do this coming week. Come join us and check out everyone’s projects.

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