Floss Friday #93

Can you believe today is the last day of May? Tomorrow is June! #wow This week has been full of graduations including my grandson’s girlfriend. The two of them have been running from graduation to graduation all week. Tis the season. It is hard to believe he is only 16 but next year he will be graduating himself (dating older women LOL).

Summer is around the corner. It has been hot this week but not nearly as hot as next week will be. We will be having our first heatwave of the season. That’s always when you find out the AC is broken right? 😂

Starts & Finishes

Not much this week but we do have one!

START & FINISH: May Year of Celebration Season 2 by Hands on Design

I didn’t enjoy stitching this one as much as I usually do. The most fulfilling was stitching the jars of honey on the “May” shelf. Although…. I did really like making the red flowers. LOL. It took me to figure out that the white and gray things were a beekeepers hive for the bees. 🐝

June WIPGO Projects

WIPGO June 2024

For the rest of the year we will only have two projects per month. Next week I will give you an update for May. Today let’s take a look what is coming up in June with projects 2 & 25.

Project 2: Snowballs for Sale by Lori Holt (Bee in My Bonnet)
Snowballs For Sale WIP 2/4/2024

Working with Lori Holt’s cross stitch designs can be …. Challenging since everything is very dense. I just looked up when I started this project ~ January 2022. I thought it was olders so I am kind of relieved that I have done pretty good so far. The goal will be to work on the project five times. My secret goal is to finish the snowman.

It is being stitched on 25 ct prim lugana with called for DMC.

Project 25: Fabulous House by Cottage Garden Samplings ~ Green House
Fabulous House ~ Green House WIP 5/9/2024

I was originally going to wait until this was called to start, but I was too intrigued with this series. I elected to start with Chart #3 – Green House. It looked easier plus it is so springy! I started this one March 2024. I am stitching it on 18 ct stone aida which might not have been the best choice with so much white. I still like it though. This chart is using DMC only.

I love the flowers and how the glass house is conveyed with the white. I am looking forward to working on it five times this month. My secret goal is to finish all the green house panels with flowers. That is a pretty big goal and is probably very unrealistic, but I am an optomist.

WIP Updates

My plans went a little haywire this week as life happened. Spent one evening at urgent care with my son Steven. He is fine just fell and his wound got infected. I insisted on getting him to see a doctor so he could get some antibiotics. I haven’t heard from him yesterday or today so I assume he is fine. But the trip to Urgent Care combined with my first hike this season took up my entire Wednesday. LOL!

Let’s check out what I did get done.

Mr August (Calendar Gnome) by Charlie’s Needle
Simba modelling Mr. August WIP 5/24/2024

I had high hopes of finishing this project this week. I did finish the flower card including the roof. I only have a few bees 🐝 and the word “August” left to stitch. It is exciting to almost be done. Such a cute design. Oh wait! He needs some eyes too.

2024 SJ Temperature Library by Kristi’s Corner

I will be finishing this up on June 1st. I love books so much. I read about 4-5 books every week. This stitch was such a match for me and so very easy to keep up with. Stitching the bookcase and shelves was the smartest things ever! You can see that May has been all over the place from cool to warm ranging from blues to oranges.


Let’s Talk Summer (large framed chart) by Hands on Design

This is another project that is so close to being done that I thought maybe this month. Definitely will be finished in June, then I will start its companion project for a pillow. It is a medium chart. Love these bright colors! These fireflies have been just as challenging as bees 🐝. I am super happy to be done with them. I have a few word phrases (road trip) (make a splash) and some waves left. So close…….

WIPGO Project: Winter Camper by Bobbie G Designs

While I am relieved to be done working on this for now, I am pleased with my progress. I finished stitching all of the night sky and the trees.

Sail Away by It’s Sew Emma (Fat Quarter Shop)

This was my Wednesday project. The lighthouse is very close to being done. I need to order (or pickup) some more dark blue DMC thread. While I had enough for the lighthouse, I don’t have enough for the boat. I am really enjoying stitching the lighthouse.

January Month 2 Month by Stitching with the Housewives
Simba modelling January Month 2 Month WIP 5/30/2024

I am pleased with my progress with this project that was a WIPGO project in January 2024. Last night found me finishing the Snow Couple as well as the snowman on the crate plus the snowflakes. I am a little disappointed that the blues that they choose don’t really have contrast. I have discovered since I started working with Stitching with the Housewives and Fat Quarter Shop, they make poor color choices. This is a kit so I didn’t swap it out. Maybe I should have. Too late now. Still a super cute project. I like that they did use CCW Tea & Biscuit for the snow instead of some white. Great color choice. Can you tell the difference between the brown (Hickory Sticks) and the Black (Black Coffee) or the blues (Deep Blue Sea & Summer Sky). The design is spot on.

Upcoming Plans & Thoughts

Winter Camper WIP 5/27/2024

I haven’t put much thought into what I will be working on this next week. I do know that I will be happy to put away Winter Camper and pull out Snowballs for Sale.

Okay I took a moment to take a look at my WIPS and WIPGO projects for June. Here is what I am thinking:

  • Tonight will finish my 2nd time on Blooming Tiny Town for May goals
  • Finish May shelf on 2024 Temperature Library
  • Put a couple of nights into WIPGO project Green House
  • Finish up Mr. August
  • Work on July Trucking Along
  • Start July Stackables (looks super fun!)
  • Sail Away
  • Let’s Talk Summer large chart

Mr. August will be my focus to finish up next, then I am thinking The Clown from Snowman Collector series. We will see how it goes. Looking forward to getting outside this weekend before the heat wave.

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by! Share any thoughts!

Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California

One thought on “Floss Friday #93”

  1. I’m so glad your son is OK, that is harrowing, and you probably had to convince him to go to Urgent Care, right?
    My family has a history of dating older women. My Mom was 3 years older than my Dad. My son is 5 years younger than our DIL. And our daughter’s 1st and 2nd husbands are both 5-6 years younger than she is. I’m 2 weeks older than my husband – lol!
    Green House is gorgeous! I just added it to my Wishlist. Also let’s talk summer, so cute. Your temperature bookshelves are really pretty. And Simba is such a good model (meow-del?)
    Where do you hike?

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