Floss Friday #6

Happy Friday! I am attempting to type while Simba is petting me and the computer. Not only is he distracting, he keeps stepping on the keyboard. He has been very needed today waking me up at 4:30 this morning requesting cuddles. This is not normal behavior for him so not sure what’s up.

Okay. I spent some time petting him and he is settling down for a nap. Keep your fingers crossed!

March Cottage of the Month by Country Cottage Needleworks
Progress on March Cottage

I successfully finished the bottom border this week. I am really pushing to finish this one in April. I think if I focus it is a real possibility. I just have the top border, “March”, and a few flowers left.

Oracle Sew Along

I finished release #4 this week. I didn’t realize until I was stitching that part of one of the quaker shapes was a butterfly. I am still only using two colors for this project. Now that I am halfway, I don’t think I will be introducing any new colors. I download releases 5, 6, & 7 off Facebook last night. This has been a fun easy stitch that I have enjoyed immensely.

Mr. February, A Calendar Gnome by Charlie’s Needle
Mr February progress

I am in love with the colors for this project. I’ve enjoyed other ones as well. She has such a good eye for color. If I wasn’t stitching on evenweave it would probably go a little faster. I still managed to finish stitching the mailbox and its contents. I had a little extra time so I started on the teddy bear. It is looking fabulous!

Fruit of Plenty by Modern Folk Embroidery
MFE thru March

I had thought I was faster stitching this one and really expected to stitch each month’s page this year. Maybe if I didn’t have 15 concurrent projects it might actually happen. Still, most nights I am able to stitch at least one strand which works out to about 30 minutes for me on this project. I do have a terrific milestone. I finished stitching the March page which makes me officially one-fourth of the way done! I even started on the April page. Since I finished stitching March outside border, it was only natural to continue stitching that border in April.

Christmas Calendar by Tiny Modernist
Day 9 of Christmas Calendar

I was pleased to finish Day 9 on the 25th this month. The mittens are totally cute. In case you are wondering, there is a Lori Holt SAL this year to stitch a Christmas project the 25th of each month. It has given me a great excuse to continue stitching on a Christmas project without feeling like I am in a time warp.

START: Tea Thyme, A Fat Quarter Shop Quarterly Stitch
Tea Thyme start

This has been first Quarterly Stitch to arrive in a timely manner in almost a year. So I could not resist starting it. I am a big tea drinker and it just called to me! The blues in skein didn’t really appeal to me, but stitched on fabric I couldn’t help but love it!

The quarterly stitch comes with everything you need including needle minder, needle, and bag.

START: Heartfelt Charity SAL with Fat Quarter Shop
Heartfelt start

This started in February. One thing after another kept distracting me, but I finally made myself start this one this week. I purchased 16 ct pale gray gingham instead of 14ct because I wanted a smaller project. I am using aurifloss thread from my stash which means that the majority of the colors do not match called for. The biggest departure was my substitution of a dark teal for medium gray and a light teal for light gray. My first night of stitching and I got to use all of my selected threads. I absolutely love it!

I am working release 1 (border) concurrently with release 2 (first column of hearts). Release 3 comes out next week. This free stitch along is meant to raise money for the Austin Texas Make a Wish foundation.

START: Sail Away by Fat Quarter Shop
Sail Away start

This was a mystery stitch along during Mania in 2021. I opted not to participate because I’ve decided unless it is free, I am not participating in anymore mystery stitches. If I like it, I can always buy it after it is done and I know what it looks like. I have been disappointed in most of the first ones that I did in 2020 and 2021.

I used 16 Sea Spray Aida with DMC thread from my stash. I tried to match called for but I did do a large number of substitutions for many reasons including not great contrast. With my start, I was pleased with my colors. I wasn’t sure if my gray was too light, but I think it is fine. I will keep monitoring to see if I need to change it up.

START: April Truckin Along by Stitching with the Housewives
April Truckin Along start

I know I know! Another start! I meant to start it at the beginning of the month. April just got away from me. It was fun to start it last night stitching radishes and carrots. I think this will be a fun one.


I had 6 new starts on my calendar for this month. I have four of the six started with two days left. One each day I guess. I wanted to wrap up my Cottage and Winter stitches. That’s a lot of stuff. We will see how it goes!


Everyone have a fantastic Friday!!! See you next time.


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