Floss Friday #105

Welcome to this week’s edition of all my stitchy projects. I have mixed feelings with the week. I feel like I really got things done, but not quite what I originally planned 😂. Big surprise there. My assistant was VERY helpful this week keeping me focused and in one place.

Nala sleeping on me

Starts & Finishes 🏁

I had one planned start this week and one planned finish and two unplanned finishes. Woohoo! I was so excited with all these finishes, that I kitted up the next project in the series. We will see how this last week of August goes and if I start those kitted projects this week or next.

FINISH: August Year of Celebration by Hands on Design 🦀
Finish of August Year of Celebration 8/17/2024

I am so glad I started this at the beginning of the month. Season 2 months are taking way longer than the originals of this series. I just keep expecting it to be fast. On the other hand, I just love the detail theese have. Those crabs are beyond cute!

I stitched on 16 ct dirty aida with called for floss.

WIPGO FINISH: July Stackables by It’s Sew Emma (FQS) 🍉
Finished July Stackables 8/20/2024

Such a fun series to stitch. I feel like it took me forever to do the watermelon and picnic basket but no time at all to do the bucket. I think since it has been in every month in the series, I just have a method to finishing. Plus I always save it for last and I know I am almost done ✔️

It is hard to pick my favorite part for this one, but I am going with the watermelon. I was so excited about finishing that I kitted up August to start. Only four left to do in the series.

This series is being stitched on 14 ct marbeled white pineboard aida by Fabric Flair with the called for Classic Colorworks floss.

FINISH: January Month 2 Month by Stitching with the Housewives ⛄️
Finished January Month 2 Month 8/21/2024

Finally! My first Month 2 Month is done. Kitted up the February already. The snowflakes ended up being pretty easy once I focused on them. I was a little disappointed that Deep Blue Sea and Summer Sky appear on the cloth to be pretty much the same color. Definitely not enough contrast. ON the other hand, I loved stitching the snowmen in Tea & Biscuit. I thought it was perfect.

My favorite thing to stitch though was the barn. I can’t wait to do February.

This was stitched on 14 ct white aida with the called for Classic Colorworks floss.

START: July Monthly Markings by Heart in Hand 🐝
Start of July Monthly Markings 8/18/2024

I love this month’s cute little square. I didn’t realize that I was missing floss to finish July so I couldn’t finish in one sitting. I placed an order. That has been a very annoying part of the Heart in Hand series ~ you never get a complete list of thread needed. I was missing 3 different colors. I would have used the DMC version but I didn’t have them either. So I went ahead and ordered from 123stitch.com

I am looking forward to my happy mail so I can wrap this one up.

WIP Updates 📋

With all the finishing happening, I didn’t work on other wips. But here is a few:

2024 SJ Temperature Library by Kristi’s Corner 🌡️

I finished the next six days so I am now through August 12th. I can’t wait to do the next six days. Did I mention I am stitching six books/days at a time. I have found it easier to work with for whatever reason. (It is probably all in my head 🤯

As you can see August has had some hot days, but generally has been cooler. I would say very comfortable and enjoyable.

WIPGO: Snowman Collector ~ The Shepherd by Cottage Garden Samplings 🐑

I am starting to think the reason I struggled with The Needleworker (first in the series) had more to do with me than the chart. Yes it was detailed and dense, but so was The Clown and now The Shepherd. I am thinking back and wondering if mentally breaking it up in sections (and then writing it in my planner) has helped me feel more accomplished and to be excited to work on the project. I have definitely enjoyed have this as a WIPGO project this month. I have finished the largest sheep and have now started on his coat.

When I look at the floss on my floss holder and I just don’t see how the colors go together, but when they are stitched, I love it! Glad I stuck with the called for DMC (with a little weeks dye works and classic colorworks thrown in for interest). I am looking forward to one more night in August.

My secret goal is to finish all the adorable patches on “Jacob’s Multicolored coat”. That is how I see this chart in my mind. 😆

I love snowmen and there are moments when I wish I hadn’t decided to stitch this as one large piece. Yet, I know when I finish it, I will defintely want to display it all year long so it is perfect!

Let’s Talk Summer by Hands on Design 🚗

I am on the home stretch with this chart. It is exciting to be so close to finishing. I just have the words “road trip” and “fire flies” plus a few actual fireflies left to stitch. This week hopefully I can finish this up. It was not an expected August finish so its exciting to exceed expectations.

I was pawing through the project bag last night and realized that I still need to do the paper watermelons for the little hoop finish so I was eyeing all the watermelons 🍉 deciding which ones. Didn’t realize how much I like stitching watermelon until now.

Upcoming Plans & Thoughts 💭

Closeup of Finished July Stackables 8/20/2024

With fall around the corner, I was thinking last night I should hurry up and finish my Autumn Baskets for the Triple Play Pillows (I was staring at the Summer Pillows across the living room). That led me to thinking I should final finish Let’s Talk Autumn projects for this year……

Enough daydreaming. Let’s take a look at my planned stitches for this last complete week of August.

  • Finish July Monthly Markings
  • Start Seaside Tiny Town
  • Hope to finish Let’s Talk Summer
  • Hope to finish Sail Away (stretch goal)
  • Fabulous House: Green House
  • Snowman Collector: The Shepherd
  • Mr. September Calendar Gnome (only active WIP haven’t touched in August)
  • August 13th – 18th books for the Temperature Library

I am super excited that I will actually hit ALL of my original goals for August. It is probably the first time in a while that has happened. So sweet.

Of course, I can’t help but start thinking about September. I normally like to start pulling out my fall stitches for September. I don’t have too many of them left. I would really love to finish up my two summer projects. Let’s Talk Summer and Sail Away.

I really only have 9 WIPs that I am not working on. The majority are Winter in nature with a few Falls thrown in for good measure. Series are finally getting ticked off. Last year I started three small little monthly projects. Finishing those each month really added a boost to my focus. This year I only did 2 with the same results. Just thinking out loud….

Have a great weekend!

Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California

One thought on “Floss Friday #105”

  1. Your helper looks exhausted. Love the barn in the January stitch, and also the July Monthly Markings squares are very cute. And the watermelon is adorable. I won’t do a temperature stitch until I move somewhere that July and August won’t be all red. Enjoy your weekend Peggy!

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