Floss Friday #104

Happy Friday! Today has been a good day so far. It is a bit cooler today than it has been in weeks. Not too hot. Not too cold. Just right! Sunny ☀️ and 78F here.

Let’s take a look at this week’s projects that I did work on. Not as many as I had planned but I am pleased with the progress.

Starts & Finishes 🏁

Huh. Just looking and I have no new starts or finishes this week. That hasn’t happened in a while. Moving on.

WIP Updates 📋

My original plan was to double up a couple of days this week but decided to really give each project 100% of my time each day this week except one night. With some real hours put into some of these projects, I realized that I am super close to finishing five of these! (Focus. Focus. Work my list of goals first, then add any bonus finishes if there is time.)

WIPGO Project: July Stackables by It’s Sew Emma (FQS) 🍉

I finished the watermelon this week. I just love the look! Gorgeous floss. It is Classic Colorworks Ruby Slipper. Just a beautiful variegated floss. My WIPGO goal is to work on this project five times. This was number 3. That leaves just the bucket and leaves me feeling this will be a finish for sure this month!

WIPGO Project: Snowman Collector: The Shepherd by Cottage Garden Samplings 🐑
Sheep from The Shepherd WIP 8/10/2024

I was in the zone the night I worked on this sheep. I just needed to fill it in. I just kept going and going until it was done. He is so stinkin’ cute. I even had time to start working on the Shepherd’s coat.

2024 SJ Temperature Library by Kristi’s Corner 🌡️

I love how the designer added a little cross stitch hoop with a flower to her knick knacks for the bookshelf. A sunflower is perfect for August. I originally thought I would do through the 12th this week, but like I said, I didn’t want to double up. When I am doing just books, it goes fairly quick. But the knick knacks can take some time.

I love how you can tell the coldest months (purple / blue) and when spring hit (greens & yellows) then we hit the summer with all those reds & oranges. So fascinating!

December Snapshot by Pine Mountain Designs 📸

I worked on the Library and this one on the same night, so this is the only project this week that I only got about 90 minutes on. While it would have been nice to have more time, I am okay with a December project getting worked on at all during the summer. The December banner got finished and I started on the ornaments hanging off the banner. Still loving that mantle that the stockings are hanging from.

January Month 2 Month by Stitching with the Housewives ⛄️
January Month 2 Month WIP 8/12/2024

I was shocked to realize that this one is almost done. I am working on the final area of the chart – Top Border with the snowflakes. All the snowmen are done now. If I have a chance, I hope to come back and finish this one this month. If not, for sure next month.

August Year of Celebration by Hands on Design 🌊
Aug Year of Celebration WIP 8/13/2024

I am glad I decided to start this one earlier in the month. Season 2 Year of Celebration has been a lot more stitching each month with more details. I have already worked on this one a couple of times this month and hope to finish next week.

Not sure how I feel about seagulls representing my birthday month, but they are interesting and different.

Let’s Talk Summer (Pillow chart) by Hands on Design🚗
Let’s Talk Summer Pillow WIP 8/14/2024

I have been thinking I was going to finish this one for two months now. After this week, I am beginning to think it might be a reality for August. I just have two (and 1/4) sections left. The word “S’mores” still needs to be stitched under daisies, then I have “road trip” (with a station wagon front end) and “fire flies” (with a couple of bugs) left to do.

My favorite part is still the “time” banner with its beautiful bright colors!

Sail Away by Its Sew Emma (FQS) ⛵️

This was another aha moment. I realized that while I still have a big boat to stitch, it is closer than I was thinking. I had originally thought I would be putting this one away in September, but I think I will be pushing through to a finish for this one. I have the seagull (another one?!) to finish, some waves, and the boat. So incredibily close to finishing. That lighthouse is just spectacular with all those gorgeous grays offsetting the red and white stripes.

Upcoming Plans & Thoughts 💭

I do have a plan for this next week and it is my intention to follow it, unless I get sucked into a project that is so close to being done that I can’t help myself. 😂

The current plan:

  • WIPGO Project: The Shepherd (4thX)
  • WIPGO Project: July Stackables finish?
  • Start July Monthly Markings
  • Mr. September
  • August 7-12 Temperature Library
  • Finish August Year of Celebration
  • Green House
  • Let’s Talk Summer

I will have worked on all active WIPS once I work on Mr. September which takes a lot of pressure off me. I have two more starts for the month so I need to start one this week. I originally had five finishes for the month; now I have penciled in two more after seeing this week how close I was on other projects.

I spent all day quilting 🧵, so now it is time to sit back, relax, and do some stitching 🪡. Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by! ✂️

Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California

2 thoughts on “Floss Friday #104”

  1. That little sheep really is cute. I love looking at your temperature calendar every time I read your posts, and being such a weather nerd, I really should start one next year. I do follow your designer on Etsy, so I’ll just watch for the 2025 pattern. I don’t get much finished around here, but you are a big inspiration to me!
    Enjoy your weekend!

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