Travel Diary: Montreal Dec 2017 (part 2)

Hi Adventurers!

We had a relaxing day today here in Montreal. Of course we hit up our local Starbucks for a caffeine hit. In the afternoon, we decided to hit up another rock climbing gym called Zero Gravite located about a 15 minute walk from the Mont Royal train stop. I can’t believe I am saying this but it seemed warmer today at 1F/-17C. The three of us bundled up and headed off to the gym. Even though it had snowed yesterday, the streets seemed to be much clearer to me than earlier in the week. I was expecting to see a lot of people on the train but it was relatively light. Shaun had a great time climbing for a few hours. This particular gym had no auto belays and Caitlin couldn’t find anyone available to belay her so she was a great auntie and helped her nephew learn some more about rock climbing. They did some bouldering also. I am beginning to think I am going to need to relearn belaying. I use to have a harness and I guess I will have to take a look around the storage unit and see if I can find it. We have a very nice indoor gym in downtown San Jose so I can go with the boys and see how it goes. So not a lot to report today. It has been so easy to get around the city. Great city. Walking around I have seen a number of things that I would love to see but aren’t Caitlin style of sightseeing. Maybe I can get my sister to join me in a future trip. Still working on the first quilt posting. It should be ready soon.

A bientot,

Peggy Stockwell