Floss Friday #32

With 24 hours of cross stitching last weekend, I made great progress. So let’s get started!

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Floss Friday #30

Welcome to 2023! My first post of the new year. I missed To Do Tuesday this week because I didn’t do anything. Okay not much. So we are jumping into Floss Friday instead. We have a lot to cover since I participated in #NYE12x12 #TeamWIPs.

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Floss Friday #29

Well I started this blog 4 hours ago. LOL! I got totally distracted by my sister. Can’t believe we talked for so long. Interesting (as always) about leaving legacy behind for our kids – from a family cookbook, life story, and many other ideas. Which obviously talking about those who have passed and us not getting important information from those loved ones to pass on to the next generation and beyond.

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Floss Friday #28

Happy Holidays Everyone! Christmas is just two short days away and I finally got my Christmas tree up. I am so behind on all things Christmas. Tomorrow I am hosting Christmas Eve dinner. We went from 2 people to 6!! It looks like I will be headed to the grocery store tomorrow. I wish all of you a stress free holiday!

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Floss Friday #27

I had an unexpected turn this week on one of my 2020 Christmas projects. All will be revealed below. Meanwhile, I am enjoying all the stitchy fun of the holiday season. Fall and Winter are my favorite time to stitch!

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Floss Friday #26

Things have gone very well this past week. I am trying to make sure I touch all of my active WIPS this month. I use to rotate through the WIPS but I found that it was taking forever to finish projects, but I made progress on everything. The month of December I am attempting a hybrid approach. I plan on making sure I work on everything this month, but continuing to work daily on things that close to being finished. Only time will tell if this is going to work.

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Floss Friday #4

How quick the week went! I didn’t make it through everything I wanted to work on this week but I do love all that I did finish.

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Floss Friday #3

Yesterday was actually a quilt day and this is really posting on Friday because I didn’t have time yesterday to type this up and Thursday was spent prepping for a productive Friday.

Just spent a few bucks on some new patterns that came out at market and I am very excited to be getting them. Meanwhile this last week I focused on meeting a few of my goals and my stitch time was limited so I didn’t get as far as I hoped.

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Floss Fridays #2

Welcome back to our second cross stitch post under the new title Floss Fridays. I hope you enjoy the projects I am currently working on!

Oracle 2022 Stitch-a-Long (by Oracle Tale)
Release 2 Oracle 2022 SAL

I wanted to finish 3 releases in March. I am currently on track after finishing release number 2. I love the seahorse! I am still using DMC 4030 and 156 on 16 ct black aida

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Cross Stitch Diary: January 2022

Welcome back friends! I have been catching all of you up on my quilting projects. I wanted to spend a little time on my cross stitch projects. So let’s get started!

2021 Results

I started the year with 14 projects in process, 36 new starts, and 35 finishes. So I ended the year with one more WIP to make it 15. It felt good to finish five projects in December alone including Autumn Spice, July Calendar Crate, October Sampler of the Month, Pine Needle Calendar, and September Truckin Along. I finished an average 3 projects per month during 2021.

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