Whoa! I can’t believe this is the first time I am working on my quilt log and journal this month. I don’t even have my monthly goals written down. I find that crazy to even think. I knew I had been gone for half the month, but I didn’t realize how out of sync I was. LOL!
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To Do Tuesday #34
Hi Everyone! This is Simba and I am writing this week’s blog because Mom is in the sewing studio. (She was busy with the holidays and is now getting some fun time in the sewing studio.) I asked her if it was okay (since we are co-bloggers) to write this week. She told me to give it a whirl. So here we go….

To Do Tuesday #33
The holidays are closing in fast. I got to listen to the Willow Glen High School Band and Choir Christmas Performance this week. It was fabulous. My grandson was in it; not that he wanted to be. Lol! He is 15 and has choir this year but hates ever moment. Wish he could loosen up and just enjoy it.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #33”To Do Tuesday #32
I want to thank Linda over at texasquiltgal.com for hosting the To Do Tuesday linky party. She is stepping down at the end of the year. She has been an amazing host with a lot of encouragement and upbeat comments to everyone who links up. Thank you Linda for being an amazing hostess!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #32”To Do Tuesday #31
While I got caught up in all of my cross stitch Christmas projects, I finally sat down to work on my quilty projects. I made progress but not quite what I was expecting to finish. December has always been a flurry of activity where I finish up a bunch of stuff that has been hanging around.
Due to travel last year, that never happened. But this year, I have HIGH hopes to knock quite a few almost dones off the list before hitting the road again in January.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #31”To Do Tuesday #30
Hope everyone had a good holiday with friends and family. It is good to be home!
I went to Seattle to spend the holiday with my daughter so she wouldn’t be alone. We did a 5k Turkey Trot in the morning to get things rolling which caused me to be stiff as all heck the next couple of days. I am finally back to normal today.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #30”To Do Tuesday #29
As usual, I will be linking up with Linda, Texas Quilt Lady, for To Do Tuesday! The weekend was all hockey, then sick grandchild. Hopefully he will feel good enough to go to school Wednesday before Thanksgiving break.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #29”To Do Tuesday #28
It was nice to be home all week. I was able to clean up a (very) little in my sewing studio and start looking at upcoming projects. Of course, starting a new project requires that I finish something soon!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #28”To Do Tuesday #27
Been a busy week. Not a lot done this week as we took off for Chicago over the weekend for another hockey tournament. I am hoping this week will be a bit more productive.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #27”To Do Tuesday #26
This will be short and sweet this week.
I will be linking up with Linda’s @ Texas Quilt Gal To Do Tuesday. Thanks Linda!
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