Happy Friday! Hope you had a great week. Mine has been pretty productive overall. My 24 Hours of Cross Stitch was great. I ended up stitching more than 24 hours. Friday was my new start day. Saturday was a Fall/Halloween stitch day which left Sunday as my everything else day. Let’s take a look.
Continue reading “Floss Friday #63”Tag: halloween
Floss Friday #62
Hi Everyone! This weekend is 24 Hours of Cross Stitching marathon hosted by Instagram’s @quirksandstitches. She also has an etsy shop with digital cross stitch planners and notebooks with her 2024 version to be released soon. You can follow this weekend with #24hoursofcrossstitch or #24hocs (my personal favorite since it is nice and short!). Be sure to post your projects starting October 20th and ending on October 22nd. You don’t need to do 24 hours straight but you can. Let’s go stitchers!
Continue reading “Floss Friday #62”Floss Friday #60
Welcome to another weekend! Fall has visited us today with overcast clouds and prediction of rain. I am sure it won’t stay long. I just love fall.
It was a busy week with lots of quilting but I still managed to get some stitching time in as well. Let’s take a look.
Continue reading “Floss Friday #60”To Do Tuesday #34
Hi Everyone! This is Simba and I am writing this week’s blog because Mom is in the sewing studio. (She was busy with the holidays and is now getting some fun time in the sewing studio.) I asked her if it was okay (since we are co-bloggers) to write this week. She told me to give it a whirl. So here we go….

To Do Tuesday #33
The holidays are closing in fast. I got to listen to the Willow Glen High School Band and Choir Christmas Performance this week. It was fabulous. My grandson was in it; not that he wanted to be. Lol! He is 15 and has choir this year but hates ever moment. Wish he could loosen up and just enjoy it.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #33”Floss Friday #23
It’s been a typical week. We’ve had lots of hockey practice and running around like chicken’s with our heads cut off but I still managed to have some time to stitch. I’ve even checked off almost everything on my list this week. Only thing left was a Final Finish….
Continue reading “Floss Friday #23”Floss Friday #22
How time flies when you are having fun! I was just reviewing my October progress and November goals in regards to my cross stitch. October felt amazing! Only 2 starts, but 6 stitch finishes, and even 1 Final Finish! What a great feeling.
I am looking at my November goals and I sure am optimistic. I have myself starting 3 new projects and finishing 6 again this month and even made a list of 6 possible final finishes. Whew! And that is with a holiday and much travel. Hmmm. Oh well, if you don’t reach for the stars, you never get there.
Starts & Finishes
No new starts or finishes.
Final Finishes
No new final finishes.
Works in Progress
As you may have recalled we were in Chicago when this week began. I only took one project with me so it is not surprising that I spent a lot of time on this project and didn’t work on very many other projects. This next week will be a bit different.
Autumn Beauties 2021 SAL with Fat Quarter Shop

I worked on this project mostly. Although, I felt we was always on the move over the weekend from airport to hotel to rink, etc. Of course, you have to eat as well. When you go with the whole team, it does not leave much free time. I managed to finish my border and start working on the sunflowers. I hope to finish page one of the chart this upcoming week.
Bats & Boos 2021 SAL with Fat Quarter Shop

Woohoo! I am so close to finishing this one that I am not going to let up until I am done with this one! I finished one side of the border Wednesday night and will continue working on this each week.
Oracle Quaker Halloween 2021 SAL by Oracle Facebook Group

I wanted to get page 3 of this SAL from last year done before putting away for another year. Stitching on 14 Ct Fabric Flair Cobweb with DMC 310 and leftover from Bats & Boos Weeks Dye Works oranges.
I finally get to spend a whole week at home before we head off to another hockey weekend on the 18th. I’ve set some very big goals for myself this coming week:
- Finish the bottom border of Bats & Boos
- Start Nov 9 path
- Start Prim Stitch #9
- Work on MFE2021SAL project April page
- Finish Center of August Cottage of the Month
- FFO: Let’s Talk Autumn Hoop

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!
Peggy Stockwell
Floss Friday #21
Hello Everyone! It’s been a hectic week. I am in Chicago this weekend for my grandson’s hockey, so not a lot of stitching is happening. At least it is not snowing here! I can’t believe it is November already!
Continue reading “Floss Friday #21”Floss Friday #20
This has been a week of procrastination in my life. I set myself a task for the week that is hard for me and now it is being reflected throughout my life. But isn’t that what being human is all about. Overcoming challenges.
If I am honest with myself, it has not been that bad. I am just focusing on what I haven’t done instead of what I have done. So let us switch to what I have done this week.
Continue reading “Floss Friday #20”Floss Friday #19
The week sure went fast with the quilt show last week. I still managed to get some stitching in despite all the chaos.
I don’t have as much to chit chat about this week, but it was definitely great seeing all my quilty friends last week.
Continue reading “Floss Friday #19”