EPP DIARY: Ongoing Stitchy Projects for February

Still slowly making progress on all of my active projects. See below for updates. I am considering jumping in on the Millie Morsels Sew-A-Long which is a new project based on the Katja Marek’s book New Hexagon 2.

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EPP DIARY: What’s Happening in 2021?

Can’t believe it’s already been a month since we last talked about my English Paper Piecing projects. I did get a lot of hockey time which equals piecing time! Although our county shut down, a couple counties away, the rinks were opened so we were able to do two weeks of hockey camp. Thank goodness!

Continue reading “EPP DIARY: What’s Happening in 2021?”

EPP QUILT DIARY: Christmas and Other Stitching

Beginning this week, I started switching from the Halloween/Fall mode into Christmas mode. I have pulled a few projects that I would like to put together for Christmas and putting away all my Halloween projects. I will be sharing that with you.

I have been rotating which project I work on each time so now I am feeling more accomplished because I get a little done on each project. Currently I only have 4 active projects.

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EPP QUILT DIARY: How slow can you go?

As would be expected, English Paper Piecing is a slow process. I have always done it during hockey practice. With hockey not being normal yet, that has slowed my progress even more! Writing this posts, reminds me that the time I have dedicated this aspect of my quilting has been very minimal in 2020. Something has got to change!

Continue reading “EPP QUILT DIARY: How slow can you go?”

EPP QUILT DIARY: September Projects Under Way

As things have progressed along, my interests have become more diversified. With that thought in mind and a wish for shorter posts, I have begun spliting out certain disciplines from my quilting diary posts. The newest idea was to split out my English Paper Piecing projects.

I only have five active projects using four different patterns. Of course, I have a number waiting to happen.

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Quilt Diary: Online Quilt Festivals?

I just attended my first Online Quilt Festival with Mancuso.  They ran a Facebook Live all day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  Everything was based in the Eastern Time Zone which was a problem for me but I know they were doing the best they could.  I had planned on spending time on Friday checking everything out before my class on Saturday.  The day ended up getting away from me and I didn’t actually do any of the normal things.  Hopefully someone out there can give more details on how it works.

My class today was good.  I actually stayed up better.  How much of that was because I was in my own sewing studio and didn’t have to borrow something I forgot and how much of that I wasn’t walking around the classroom looking at everyone’s stuff, I can’t say for sure.  Zoom sure did allow everyone to see what the teacher is doing without peeking over a shoulder here or a head there.  Overall, I thought it went very well.  I took the Hunter’s Star class with Quilt Maven Dave Sirota.  I took a class using his technique a few years ago but I felt more stuck this time.  I just wish I didn’t have to get up at 5:30am my time to do.  Still, well worth it.img_4623

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Quilt Diary: June Goals and Update

I started a blog two months ago and never published it.  I apologize for my inconsistency these past few months.  I will try and close the gap and not make this too long of a blog.  I have been busy with my projects as well as work and home.
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Quilt Diary: Challenges and Sew-A-Longs April Update

As you saw last post, I have a ton of projects.  I thought I would take this post to update you on everything that did NOT make the Finish-A-Long list.  Those are challenges or projects that are more than three months long. Continue reading “Quilt Diary: Challenges and Sew-A-Longs April Update”

Quilt Diary: Welcome to April and another month of COVID-19

I don’t know about all of you, I am so tired of this virus running my life.  It is throwing our economy into chaos and spinning us into a recession.  Lucky for me, I have a fabric stash that should carry me through.  How about you? Continue reading “Quilt Diary: Welcome to April and another month of COVID-19”

Quilt Diary: First APQResolution2020 finish!!!

This is a crazy world we are living in right now.  I will keep my thoughts and views to myself as I know I think very different than most people on what is happening in the world today.  So let’s move on to more fun topics – like Quilting!! Continue reading “Quilt Diary: First APQResolution2020 finish!!!”