Happy Friday everyone! Hope your week has been great. Just checking in to share this weeks stitchy projects. Let’s get started.
Starts & Finishes
I had two starts this week and no finishes. Let’s take a look”
START: January Month 2 Month Barn by Stitching with the Housewives (WIPGO Project)

I didn’t get far but a good start anyway. I already finished the button for this project last week. I am looking forward to working on this three more times this month.
START: Autumn Basket (chart #2) by Hands on Design

This is the center of the chart block. Going to be fun to work on throughout the year. This particular series, I think it will be easier to just continue working on until it is complete.
WIP Updates
I worked on a variety of projects this week. Because I posted a day early last week, I have an extra night to show you this week. I hope you enjoy my parade of WIPs.
Snow Village by Country Cottage Needleworks

I decided last month to finish the top border for the last row on this adorable Snow Village. I was able to finish all four and even start on my next building in this village – Snowball Stand. Just love this stitch.
Calendar Gnome – Mr. August by Charlie’s Needle

While this guy is not my focus this month, I wanted to get a little time in on this wip. I worked on filling in the bricks for the flower stand / cart. All the mortar is done. Just need to fill in some of the highlights.
June Calendar Crates by Stitching with the Housewives

This is another project that I just try to spend at least an hour on each month. This week I was able to finish the right border by the sign. I have another strawberry to finish by the truck and then it will be just finishing the top strawberry border.
July Truckin Along by Stitching with the Housewives

I had hesitated about starting this patriotic project, but figured even an hour every month on the last of this series was an hour closer to done. I really got into finishing the white outline on the righthand side border and even began filling in the border. Love the colors.
Shabby Winter Calendar by Cuore e Batticuore

I love this project. I restarted it twice before I found a cloth I could work on with this project. I am making great progress. This week I finished Day 7. My goal was to work on twice during the month and I have done that. I don’t have any valentine projects for February so this one will definitely be sticking around.
Fruit of Plenty by Modern Folk Embrodiery

Well this one is progressing nicely. I have met my goal of three times this month after this week. I have made fabulous progress on the thick filled in border. I enjoy sitching the snowflake like motif.
Snowman Collector: The Clown by Cottage Garden Samplings

All things pumpkin and snowmen I go gaga over. That is why I absolutely love working on this series. I made some fantastic progress last night. I worked on the border and outlining a few more things including the clown’s hair, pants, and feet.
Upcoming Plans & Thoughts

I am tentatively planning a trip for most of the week to Nevada so I had set aside some projects to work on while I am gone, but before I go, I have a few things I want to work on.
- Get in my obligatory hour on Winter Camper for January
- Two more nights on The Clown from Snowman Collector
- I have been working on my floss toss for the 2024 Temperature Library. The plan is to start the bookcase this week.
- Snowballs for Sale
- January Month 2 Month Barn
- Christmas Calendar
This weekend is 24 hours of cross stitch. Not sure how much time I will have to participate as I have some other obligations, but I will give it the old college try!
That should keep me busy this week. I hope you enjoyed the WIP parade. Have a great weekend!
Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, CA
Simba knows to pose under an autumn cross stitch is the most complimentary – lol! I love the top photo with that beautiful linen. I am in love with Snow Village! Looking through your projects is like looking through a magazine, so pretty. Enjoy your trip!