Happy Friday everyone! We are currently in the midst of an0ther heatwave here in San Jose, California. I can’t complain too much. This heat didn’t start until July this year which has been a nice change. Also keeping my fingers crossed that the wild fires that we have had the past couple of years also hold off until regular wild fire season.
Starts & Finishes
No new starts or finishes this week
WIP Updates
Last weekend was WIPGO weekend so I have spent a most of my time on my two WIPGO projects.
WIPGO Project: October Cottage of the Month by Country Cottage Needleworks

I am down to just half of the top border and the bottom border for this project. I am excited to finish this one. It will also mean that I have finished the entire series and I can learn how to finish these cute cottages. I do love the orange in this project. It makes the pumpkins and leaves look so cool!
WIPGO Project: Let’s Talk Autumn (Framed) by Hands on Design

While I have never expected to finish this project this month, I am super pleased by how much progress I have made on it. I have almost finished half already and I have one more sitting with this one.
Mr July – A Calendar Gnome by Charlie’s Needle

I hope to finish this one this month. I am down to the fireworks, the word July, and some backstitching. It seems so doable with more than a week left. I will see where I stand after this marathon weekend.
Fruit of Plenty by Modern Folk Embroidery

I was so excited last night when I finished another page (May). I started the June page focusing on finishing the center design. So much fun! Soon I will have to decide on whether to go with the house in the chart or swap out. Currently leaning towards leaving the one in the chart since it resembles my house. No decision necessary yet.
Upcoming Plans & Thoughts
This weekend is this quarter’s 24 Hours of Cross Stitch Marathon. I have been working on a plan all month. In the past I switched up projects every hour. This time I have decided to work on some projects for two hours at a time thinking I will get more done if I am not pulling out and putting away projects as much. Last one I also started by working a few hours on Friday night to allievate the stress on Saturday and Sunday. I am going with that plan again this weekend.
Other than the #24hocsmarathon for today, Saturday, & Sunday, I plan to also work on the following projects afterwards:
- October Cottage of the Month
- Let’s Talk Autumn
- Mr July
- Temperature Butterfly for June
I have been very pleased with my progress this month so far. I really hope to finish the cottage and Mr July this month.

Those big lumps on the beach are sleeping elephant seals. One is getting in the water. When they come on land, they don’t move much or eat at all. July is molting season. I must have sat and watched them for almost an hour before heading back to the nature center. While walking on the trail, I saw a garter snake, tailless lizard, California Quail, and lots of dragonflies. It was a nice change of pace to just be one with nature.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Peggy Stockwell
I like the orange in that October cross stitch too. Enjoy your marathon. That is a gorgeous view – I would sit and watch too!